--Must See--

Can Removing Appendix Eliminate Parkinson’s Disease?

Voice of Biotecnika – Episode 29

Life might be full of problems but viewing them as opportunities is the key to great inventions and discoveries. This never dying spirit of humanity has made it the most equipped organism, that may be true or may not be. It is too early to say so because man has just started the journey of unraveling the secrets of nature and there are many miles to go.

Today’s podcast is about the latest finding of a disease – Parkinson’s and a long-forgotten organ – Appendix. Sounds confusing? How the brain is related to intestine?

Parkinson’s when we hear the term, we relate it to old age with a specific symptom of shaking. Actually, this disease was known from ancient times. One can find its description in old Ayurvedic scriptures as “Kampavata” and in Western medicine as “Shaking plasy”. Likewise, in other parts of the world, this disease was well recognized. Interestingly the name was coined after Doctor James Parkinson, who published a detailed essay on the disease titled, “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy”. This essay attracted the attention of many other experts towards the disease and

established it as a recognized medical condition.
Listen to the podcast below to know more.

Listen to the episode on SoundCloud.

Today's Voice of Biotecnika is
Dr. Sunita Adak, a pro-active faculty member of Biotecnika. She has specialized in Microbial Biotechnology from IIT Kharagpur and is experienced in subjects like Cell Biology and Immunology. Being a passionate educator, Dr. Sunita keeps herself up-to-date with current research and shares the same with her students through after lecture activities like Pictionary, discussions, etc. She encourages each one to reach their full potential and has been an influential role model. In this Podcast she throws light on the topic – Can Removing Appendix Eliminate Parkinson’s

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