AIB, Amity University, Noida Jobs
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: center;">AIB, Amity University, Noida Jobs

Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida is hiring MSc/BTech and MTech candidates for a Senior Research Fellow Post. Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics candidates are eligible to apply. Check out all of the details on the same below:

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Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Noida

Name of Post: DBT Senior Research Fellow

No. of Posts: 01

Name of the Project: “Pilot-scale Biorefinery for value-added wealth generation of biogas, lutein and biofertilizer from temple flower wastes with zero discharge”

Essential Qualifications: ME, M.Tech or equivalent degree in Engineering/Technology (Chem. Engg., Agri. Engg., Biochem. Engg., Biotechnology, Energy Engg., Environmental Engg., Bioinformatics, Environmental Science., etc.) with minimum 60% marks or MSC,(Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics) BE, B.Tech with minimum 60% marks and at least two years research experience as evidence from fellowship/ associateship or traineeship and published papers in standard refereed journals (preference will be given to NET/GATE qualified candidate).

Desirable Experience: Three years experience of working on biogas or biodiesel or carotenoid production, or composting, Chemical Saponification, Enzymatic Saponification, statistical optimization of media for fermentation. Scale up of the bioprocess, Development of the computational model of bioprocess and statistical analysis of the data. Have experience of thin layer chromatography, column chromatography, and HPLC techniques.

Fellowship: Rs.28000 + HR(20%) per month (as per guideline of DST)

Tenure: SRF will be given for a period of three years. The term is extendable by one year on the basis of assessment of the progress of project work and research work quality.

Age Limit: The upper age limit for SRF shall be 32 years, which is relaxed up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/Schedule Tribes, Women, Physically Handicapped and OBC applicants as per Govt. of India rules & regulations.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. No objection and experience certificate from the employer in case he/she is in employment.
  2. Positions are purely time bound, non-regular and on co-terminus basis with the project, initially for a period of one year. The selected candidate shall have no legal right to claim regularization by absorption or otherwise against any regular posts or any further contractual engagement on termination of the project in the Institute.
  3. Candidates reaching after the specified timing will not be entertained.
  4. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature. The Director’s decision will be final and binding in all respects.
  5. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
  6. The candidates should reach half an hour before than the scheduled time along with their original documents, bio-data (as per format) along with xerox copies of original documents, working experience certificates, relevant publications and recent passport size photograph.
  7. All interested candidates may submit their application within 15 days of publication of this advertisement in National Newspaper/ Employment News. Applicants are required to submit their biodata, experience and three recommendation letter to Dr Abha Kumari, Associate Professor, AIB, Amity University ( [email protected] ) Please mention “Application for SRF-DBT” in the subject line.
  8. Applicants will be screened on basis of academic achievements, experience and recommendation letters and screened and selected candidates will be called for interview. Appointment will be made purely on temporary basis or co-terminus on the funded project.

Deadline: 07th June 2019

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!