ZSI Emeritus Scientist Scheme
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ZSI Emeritus Scientist Scheme

The notification for the Zoological Survey of India Emeritus Scientist Scheme 2019 has been released. Indian Nationals are invited and encouraged to check out all of the details regarding the scheme, the procedure for applying, the grant, the funds and all other relevant details below:




1.1 The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India, under the
Emeritus ScientistScheme provides financial assistance to outstanding retired scientists to
pursue research, write scientific documents/monographs, etc. in Taxonomy of Animals,
especially in the fields of specialization that are relevant to the programmes of Zoological
Survey of India (ZSI). Only Indian citizens, normally residents of India, are eligible for
appointments as Emeritus Scientists.

1.2 A Scientist who is an acknowledged expert in the field of specialisation which comes within the objectives of ZSI and has been actively engaged in scientific research during the preceding five years of his/her superannuation, will be eligible for grants under this scheme.

1.3 The quality of publications of the Scientist including those during the last 5 years prior to his/her retirement and the honours and awards received by him/her will

be the important criteria for selection under the scheme.

1.4 The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, has a high-powered Research
and Advisory Monitoring Committee for ZSI to consider the research proposals under the
Emeritus Scientist’s Scheme and recommend the grants. The committee generally meets twice in a year for this purpose.

1.5 The grant consists of (i) Honorarium of Rs.20000/- PM to the Emeritus Scientist (ES) for the duration of his/her tenure (ii) Suitable contingency grant of Rs.50,000/- per annum.

1.6 The number of Emeritus Scientists to be appointed in ZSI shall not exceed five, at any point of time.


2.1 The Scientists willing to be considered for appointment under ES scheme may apply in
prescribed form (Form-A) at any time during the year to the Director, ZSI. The application
should be sent through Executive Authorities (Director / Head) of Institute / Department where the ES proposes to carry out the research work etc. It should be duly certified by them that the core facilities for working are available there and the Scientist will be permitted to work on the proposed scheme and the department / institution will discharge all its obligations particularly in respect of management of the given grants. The Scientist himself will have to make all these necessary arrangements with the Institute/University concerned.

2.2 The research proposals are sent to a set of referees in general area of research of the
concerned superannuated scientist. The proposal along with the comments of the referees is referred to the Research Advisory and Monitoring Committee of ZSI for its consideration at its meetings. The Research Advisory and Monitoring Committee of ZSI will recommend the Name(s) to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climage Change, Govt. of India.

2.3 The selected Scientists and the host institutions will be intimated immediately after the
recommended candidates are approved by the competent authority in the Ministry. The
quantum of the grant approved in the form of honorarium to the Scientist, contingency, and
equipment, if any, will be communicated through a sanction letter along with terms and
conditions governing the scheme.

2.4 The offer of Emeritus Scientists will be valid for one year from the date of issue of the
sanction letter, or from the date of superannuation whichever is later, and if the related Emeritus Scientist does not join within three months, the offer will be deemed cancelled and withdrawn. No lien will be allowed. The Scientist, however can apply again, if he wishes to pursue research at a later stage.

At present, applications are being considered till end of October 2016 and shall be put up in
the forthcoming meeting of Research and Monitoring Advisory Committee (RAMC) of ZSI
and outcome of the RAMC of ZSI regarding Emeritus Scientists shall be communicated in due course of time.


The funds are placed at the disposal and control of the sponsoring Institution / Organisation / University which is entrusted with the accountability of grant. The quantum of financial assistance is mentioned in the original award letter and renewal sanction. Grants are released in one or two installment for each financial year. The grant for the first year is released by the concerned survey organisation (ZSI) along with sanctioned letter. It is stipulated that the scheme shall start from the commencement date mentioned in the letter or within 3 months from the date of issue of the letter.

3.1 Documents to be submitted to ZSI:

Following documents need to be sent to Director ZSI immediately after the receipt of the
sanction letter: (i) A certificate by the Emeritus Scientist, countersigned by the Head of the
Department / Institution, that no other agency is funding the work proposed to be done under the scheme sanctioned by ZSI (ii) An agreement in the prescribed Form-B on non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- (each page duly signed by the Emeritus Scientist) and (iii) Date of commencement.

3.2 Date of start: Emeritus Scientistship is considered to have commenced from the date
Emeritus Scientist starts drawing honorarium.

3.3 Purchase of equipment: For the release of equipment grant, the proforma invoice of the
supplier with whom the order has been placed is to be furnished along with the claim bill to the Director ZSI by Emeritus Scientist through the Director / Head / Registrar of the Institute / Organisation / University upon completion of purchase formalities, in any case, within 3 months from the date of receipt of the equipment grant.

3.4 Tenure: The scheme will initially be sanctioned for three years. On the recommendation of the Research Advisory and Monitoring Committee, it may be extended by two years, after an application is made by Emeritus Scientist, through the host institution to ZSI. It will however be applicable till a Scientist attains 65 years of age. In case the Emeritus Scientistship is awarded at a stage when the Emeritus Scientist is over 62 years of age, the exact duration of the award will be computed up to his/her attaining 65 years of age.


(i) The sanctioned scheme must commence within three months from the date of receipt of the sanction letter failing which the scheme will be treated as withdrawn.

(ii) The tenure of the Emeritus Scientists will stand terminated from the date Emeritus Scientists accepts similar position from some other agency or takes up some employment.

(iii) Submission of renewal application / progress report (in Form C & D) to the Director, ZSI by 1st of October each year, indicating the progress of research work done up to 31st of August.

(iv) Acknowledgement of funding by ZSI should be given in all publications.

(v) Submission of the final manuscripts, within three months of completion of the tenure, and reprints of all papers published.


An Emeritus Scientist working in ZSI offices may approach Director of the organisation for
obtaining necessary facilities. He / she may be given a free hand to pursue his / her scientific work by the Director. The Emeritus Scientist may draw his honorarium / other expenses from the institute and the amount may subsequently be adjusted against Emeritus Scientist Scheme budget by the Institute. All general terms and conditions as applicable to the Emeritus Scientist Scheme shall apply in ZSI.

These terms and conditions supersede all previous instructions issued in regard to Emeritus
Scientist schemes. In all matters decision taken by DZSI will be final.

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Editor’s Note: ZSI Scientist Scheme, Zoological Survey of India Scientist Scheme, Emeritus Scientist Scheme 2019, ZSI Scheme 2019. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media for the latest in the life sciences industry.

Diluxi Arya
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