Korean Govt IBS YSF 2019
Korean Government has initiated the Young Scientist Fellowship at Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Eligible candidates check out the details on how to apply for the Korean Government Young Scientist Fellowship at Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Check out all of the details on the same below:
This call expires in :
- Purpose and Background
Together with the vision of “Making Discoveries for Humanity and Society,” that the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was founded in 2011 by the Korean government to promote basic sciences in Korea. Thirty Research Centers have already been established and each Center has been yielding outstanding results in a variety of fields of research.
The IBS “Young Scientist Fellowship” started in 2016 to play an active role in fostering next-generation basic science leaders. We believe this fellowship offers opportunities to conduct independent research by utilizing state-of-art infrastructures and to grow on the basis of research collaborations with top researchers.
We expect that the YS Fellowship serves as a stepping stone for our research fellows to be appointed as independent principal investigators at the prestige institutions globally.
2. Eligibility
- Within 5 years of obtaining a PhD or under the age of 40 with a PhD (born no earlier than January 1, 1979)
※ PhD applicants should be conferred with PhD degrees before August 31, 2019
※ Researchers currently participating in the IBS research centres are NOT eligible to apply
3. Recruiting Research Centers and Number of Openings
Area: Life Sciences
Centre: RNA
Location: Seoul
No. of Openings: 01
Budget: KRW 150 – 300 mil./year
Area: Life Sciences
Centre: Neuroscience Imaging Research
Location: Suwon
No. of Openings: 01
Budget: KRW 150 – 300 mil./year
4. Benefit and Condition
- The annual budget of KRW150-300M annually, for example, KRW60-70M salary
- Appointment for 3 years with possible extension of two years based on the results of interim review (Full-time work and 100% research participation).
※ Please refer to the FAQ for information. - After physically relocated to one of the IBS Centers, YSF conducts independent research by utilizing research facility and equipment of the Center (Can organize small research group).
- Selected YSF shall commence his/her research between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020.
5. Selection Process: Three Steps
- Letter of Intent
1. Submission deadline: ~ May 31, 2019
2. Review by Directors and Evaluation Panel members
3. Invitation to submit full proposals: ~ June 30, 2019
- Full proposal
1. Submission deadline: ~ August 31, 2019
2. Review by Directors and Evaluation Panel members
3. Invitation for an onsite interview: ~ September 30, 2019
- Interview
1. Interview and presentation: ~ November 15, 2019
2. The comprehensive review by Evaluation Panel chairs
3. The announcement of final YS Fellows: ~ November 30, 2019
6. The way to Apply
Apply via homepage (https://www.ibs.re.kr/ysf/apply) no later than May 31, 2019 (KST).
7. Inquiries
Research Assessment Team([email protected])
IBS homepage (https://www.ibs.re.kr/ysf)
Editor’s Note: life sciences institute of basic sciences korean govt scholarship 2019, life sciences scholarship, international life sciences schoalrships 2019, IBS YSF 2019, Korean Govt IBS YSF 2019, ibs young scientist fellowship, korean government ysf, ibs ysf invitation, young scientist fellowship 2019. For more such opportunities, check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and subscribe to it. Check out the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.