ICMR Seed Grant 2019
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ICMR Seed Grant 2019

The official notification for the ICMR NE Seed Grant for Rs. 20 Lakhs has been announced. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the schemes, the eligibility, application procedure, important dates and more below:

This call expires in :

-2065Days -7Hours -6Minutes -26Seconds


Under the initiative of Department of Health Research, for the promotion of research activities in the northeast region, concept proposals are invited by ICMR from young and middle-level faculties of medical colleges, universities and research institutions of northeast states. Seed Grant of up to Rs. Rs. 20 lakhs will be provided to the researchers if the project proposal is found appropriate for consideration by the committee reviewing these proposals.

Interested applicants can submit a concept proposal in almost any discipline of health sciences in regional or local/national health priorities related to fertility regulation, maternal and child health, tuberculosis, malaria, diarrheal diseases, noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and health system research involving tribal / marginalized and non-tribal and tea garden population.

Eligibility: Young and middle-level faculty of the medical colleges, postgraduate institutions, universities, recognized research institutes and development labs and NGOs. (Applicants from non-governmental agencies must provide documentary

proof of registration (Registered with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of India).

It’s to be noted that not more than 1 seed grant project will be sanctioned at a time to the individual investigator; the duration of the project shouldn’t be for over two years. Repeated application for seed grant is strongly discouraged.

How to apply: Initially concept proposal ought to be submitted online following ICMR guidelines: www.icmr.nic.in. To submit a proposal online, please follow the following steps:

  1. Go to ICMR site www.icmr.nic.in
  2. Go to online submission of the extramural research proposal
  3. Click the new user for registering yourself as the project investigator (PI). PI already registered need not register again
  4. Using the user ID and password to begin submission of a proposal by clicking on the advertisement
  5. Enter the title of this call: Call for proposal under North East Seed Grant scheme
  6. Click on broad areas RBMH&CG, select North East Seed Grant scheme as the discipline
  7. Call start date: 3rd April 2019
  8. Call end date: 24th May 2019
  9. Program officer: Dr Reeta Rasaily

Evaluation: The following standards will be utilized to evaluate the concept proposals

  1. Novelty, applicability and Justification for research
  2. Work carried out by the PI/ institution until now/ competence of PI
  3. Infrastructure, staff available, grants received till now, publication if any in the area of proposed research
  4. Budget requirement

Time Line: Deadline for submission of concept proposal is 24th May 2019

View Notification

Editor’s Note: ICMR Seed Grant 2019, ICMR Research Grant 2019, ICMR 2019 North East Seed Grant, ICMR 2019, North East Seed Grant 2019. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media platforms for the latest in the life sciences industry.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!