Bsc Life Science Job @ VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Bsc Life Science Job – Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi–110029
Department of Microbiology
A written test followed by an interview has been conducted for the recruitment of
Laboratory Technician – Bsc Life science job – on contractual basis for Project entitled “National programme on Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance” sponsored by National Centre for Disease Control, through MoHFW, Government of India. Details of posts including the number of vacancies, remuneration, age, requisite qualification, and experience in respect of these posts are as under:
Post name: Laboratory Technician
Project Title: “National programme on Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance”
Funded By: National Centre for Disease Control, through MoHFW, Government of India
No of Posts: 1
Monthly Salary: Rs. 15,000/- consolidated (No other allowances are permissible)
Age limit: Up to 45 years
Educational Qualification: B.Sc in Biological Science / M.Sc. in Medical Microbiology / Diploma in Lab. Technician (DMLT) / MLT with experience of working in the microbiology laboratory for 2 years or more
How to Apply for Bsc Life Science Job @ VMMC:
Eligible and interested candidates fulfilling the educational qualification, experience
etc. as mentioned above should appear for
Room No. 503, 5th floor, Department of Microbiology, VMMC Building, VMMC &
Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi – 110029 along with original, self-attested copies,
two passport size photographs (one should be pasted on the application form) and
complete application form duly filled in Annexure-II.
Date and timing of the written test: Date: 26/04/2019 (Friday)
(Note: The eligible candidates may register their names for the written test between 9.30
AM to 10.30 AM. Registration will be closed at 10.30 AM sharp. Candidate reporting
after 10.30 AM will not be entertained)
- Age will be reckoned from the date of issue of advertisement.
- Applications, which are incomplete in any manner, would be summarily rejected.
- Candidates must ensure that application is complete in all respects and they full fill all the eligibility criteria. No correspondence what so ever shall be entertained in this regard.
- The hospital reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or part without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard will be final.
- The appointee will not be granted any claim or right for regular appointment to this or any other post under Government services.
Download Application Form Below for Bsc Life Science Job @ VMMC: