AIIMS PhD July 2019 Admissions
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AIIMS PhD July 2019 Admissions

The official announcement for the AIIMS, New Delhi PhD Programme July 2019 Admissions has been released. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the Dates for Online Registration of Applications and Date of Entrance Examinations for the PhD Programme July 2019 at AIIMS, New Delhi, given below:

This call expires in :

-2107Days -19Hours -8Minutes -25Seconds



All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi invites Online applications for Entrance Examination through online (CBT) mode in Delhi/NCR for admission in Ph.D. Programme Jan. & July 2019 session (clubbed). The details are given below:


Non-Medical – For non-medical candidates eligibility shall be Master’s Degree (two years course) awarded by Indian Universities or equivalent in the subject as per the requirement of the project. Candidates holding M.Sc. (Other than M.Sc. Nursing) M.Tech. degree & BAMS will be eligible for the Non-Medical Qualification Category.

Candidate possessing a Masters Degree through distant learning course shall not be eligible. While seeking project details from the department, the desired qualification of Masters Degree to be suitable for project work should be mentioned by the respective department

. The same will be displayed along with the Number of Seats & Department.

Candidate having eligibility under non-medical category should have at least 60% marks in the last eligibility examination qualified.

Desired qualifications:

The non-medical candidates should have preferably qualified in any one of the following national entrance tests in the last 2 years:

  • Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF
  • ICMR — JRF
  • DBT — JRF
  • DBT – SRF
  • NBHM screening test
  • Graduate aptitude test (GATE)
  • INSPIRE fellowship
  • UGC — JRF
  • UGC – SRF
  • CSIR — JRF
  • CSIR — SRF
  • DST — JRF
  • DST – SRF


*. Candidates who have qualified in above-said examinations leading to the award of fellowships will be given special weightage in the entrance examination as detailed in the method of selection part of guidelines.

*Candidates working under Central Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous organization should submit their applications through proper channel i.e. employer. They will be required to submit a ‘No Objection Certificate” from their employer before they are allowed to join the PhD Course.

*The candidates who are likely to complete requisite qualification and degree by 31st July 2019 may also apply. However, the candidates who are completing their requisite
qualification after 31st July 2019 is not eligible to take up this examination.
* Applicants from AIIMS Faculty/Scientific Staff for Ph. D. registration will be considered
as in-service candidates as per guidelines laid down by AIIMS in this regard.
* A candidate is allowed to submit an application for one speciality/department only.


Each candidate selected for admission will have to pay the following Course duration Fees and dues:

(All Fees and dues payable at the time of admission)

Note: 1. The Hostel Security deposit (refundable) i.e. Rs. 1000/-

Note: 2. Fees and other charges including hostel rent once paid shall not be refunded in any case and no correspondence will be entertained in this connection. However, the caution money will be refunded to those candidates who do not join the course. The caution money must be claimed within one year after completion of the course failing which it will be forfeited.

How to Apply:

All applicants are advised to read the Prospectus and Help Manual carefully before starting Online Registration and ensure that no column is left blank. In the event of rejection of the application form, no correspondence/request for reconsideration will be entertained. Applicants are also advised to download and take a print of the Registration Form. They should retain a copy of Registration Form till the completion of Admission Process.

Please visit regularly for latest notification/announcement as well any Addendum/ Dedendum/ Corrigendum/Latest updates etc. regarding this Examination.



Candidate should fill in the Online Application Form taking utmost care and follow the instructions and help manual as given in the APPENDIX – II of the Prospectus, step by step. Candidate should fill in the Online Application form correctly. The incorrectly filled form may lead to rejection.


A candidate seeking admission to the Entrance Examination is required to submit his/her application in the prescribed format available online with the Prospectus on The cost of Application Form includes the fee for the entrance examination which is non-refundable and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. The candidate is required to go through the Prospectus carefully and acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to the filling of the online application form.

Online Registration: After selecting the online registration, fill the mandatory details asked for and deposit the prescribed fee through debit/credit card/Net Banking. After submitting fees filled required information step by step. Follow the Instructions scrupulously.

It will be the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that correct details are filled in the Registration Form. The Institute will not be responsible for any incorrect information/cancellation of candidature/loss or lack of communication etc. due to the wrong filled the online Application form.

No candidate should register more than one application.

All applicants are required to ensure that Photo/Signature/Left Thumb Impression is uploaded according to the instructions provided in the Prospectus. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of applications.

Duplicate applications from any applicant will result in cancellation of all such applications. No intimation regarding such summary rejections will be provided.

Declaration of Results:

Results for PhD Programme will be available on the website at
Result of individual candidate will NOT be informed on telephone and candidates are advised NOT to call the Examination Section for such information. However, the individual result can be checked after the closing of the admission process.

Application Fee:

  • General / OBC Category: Rs.1500/- + Transaction Charges as applicable
  • SC/ST Category: Rs.1200/- + Transaction Charges as applicable
  • PWBD Candidates is exempted from any Fee

Mode of payment: Through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking

Important Dates:

Date for Online Registration of Applications:

Name of Course Opens on Closes on
Ph.D. Programme 22.04.2019 06.05.2019 at 05:00 PM

Date of Entrance Examination:

Name of Course Date of Exam. Duration of Exam. Exam Centre Location
Ph.D. Programme 21.05.2
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Delhi/NCR

Important: For Prospectus, detailed information etc. please visit the website All applicants are required to visit the website regularly since al subsequent Corrigendum/Addendum/Updates will be uploaded on the website only.

Instruction Manual for PhD Admission


Editor’s Note: aiims new delhi admissions, phd admissions 2019, phd admissions july 2019 aiims new delhi, aiims ph.d. programme admissions July 2019. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter for more such opportunities and also follow us on all of our social media. And Check out the Podcast that we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


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