PhD Admissions IISER Berhampur
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PhD Admissions IISER Berhampur

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur Admission to the PhD Programme-July-2019 announcement has been released. Biological Sciences PhD Programme-July-2019 IISER Berhampur Admissions. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the same below:

This call expires in :

-2113Days -19Hours -27Minutes -17Seconds


Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur invites applications from highly motivated students for admission to the Ph.D. programme beginning from July 2019. Currently, IISER Berhampur provides Ph.D. programs in Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences disciplines. Students with a Master’s degree or equivalent in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics OR in any applicable interdisciplinary area closely linked to the main stream are encouraged to apply for Ph.D. programme.

Ph.D. students must successfully complete course work, qualifying exam, seminars, and a dissertation. Aside from the compulsory requirements, students are invited to participate in many professional activities like workshops, review meetings and conferences. All doctoral students are also expected to take part in the undergraduate teaching programme of the Institute as part of the training.

Please be aware that the exact eligibility criteria for July 2019 admissions might differ from department to department that are given below. A glimpse of these research

areas open for admission are provided below and more information regarding individual faculty profiles and areas of research can be gotten from the IISER Berhampur site. Prospective students satisfying the eligibility criteria are invited to acquaint themselves with the research areas of our faculty members for appropriate match of interest.

Broad Area Of Research:

Life-history evolution, Sexual selection and sexual conflict, Fungal Molecular Genetics, Circadian Rhythms, Plant-Environment Interaction, Developmental Biology, Stress Physiology

To learn more please visit individual faculty profile.

Dr. Bodhisatta Nandy
Dr. Jose Sebastian
Dr. Mukund Ramakrishnan

Minimum Qualification:

  1. M.Sc. /M.Tech. Degree in the appropriate discipline with a minimum of 60% marks or CGPA/CPI of 7.0 on a 10 point scale. (Total percentage/CGPA/CPI; not only in majoring subject)
  2. When the transcript/grade sheet issued by the Institute/University reports:
    Only marks, percent will be considered.
    Only grades, CGPA/CPI will be considered. In case CGPA/CPI is reported on any scale other than 10 (eg. 4 point/ 8-point scale), an equal CGPA/CPI will be calculated according to the following formula:
    CGPA/CPI at a 10 point scale = (CGPA/CPI Obtained×10)/PS
    PS = Point scale utilized by the Institute/University.
    Both marks and CGPA/CPI
    Percentage equivalent of CGPA/CPI, as indicated on the transcript/gradesheet, will be contemplated, if absolute grading was followed.
    CGPA/CPI ONLY will be considered, if relative grading was followed.
  3. Exceptionally brilliant applicants with B.Tech. /MBBS/MCA also apply for Ph.D. programme in Biological Sciences.
  4. In addition, a National level examination such as National Eligibility Test (NET)/GATE/UGC-JRF/CSIR-JRF/DBT (JRF A category)/ICMR (JRF category I)/NET-LS/INSPIRE-PhD/JGEEBILS or some other recognized score is compulsory . The certificate/fellowship MUST be valid at the time of admission.
    Students whose results for CSIR-UGC NET Fellowship or ICMR-JRF category-I or DBT-JRF or INSPIRE-PhD or some other equal fellowship are awaited can also apply with their roll number(s) cited in the application. Such candidates may walk to the interview provided they’ve qualified evaluation for any of the above mentioned fellowship prior to the interview date. Such candidates won’t be sent a call letter for your interview. But they ought to write to the head of this department, Department of Biological Sciences at [email protected] (with a CC to [email protected]) and inform when they will attend to the interview.
  5. Candidates that are appearing or are about to appear for final examinations of their qualifying degree programme are eligible to apply for Ph.D. programme. But if chosen, admission to the Ph.D. programme could be conditional on their completing the qualifying degree together with the specified marks standards.
  6. A relaxation of 5% of marks, or an equal relaxation of grade, will be permitted for applicants belonging to SC/ST/PD categories.
  7. Mere fulfilling the eligibility criterion doesn’t entitle a candidate to be known as the interview and test.

Application Procedure:

Please download and save the form onto your computer, and then open it directly in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and then select/type that the info in the boxes provided and click on save to store the info.


Acrobat or Acrobat Reader free Download (Click here)

  • This is an editable PDF form, please download the form, and open with Adobe Reader and then select/type that the info in the boxes provided and click on save to store the info.
  • If you’re applying in more than 1 discipline, separate application has to be sent and filled for every discipline.
  • Complete application together with all of certificates/enclosures (rather in single consolidated .pdf file) have to be sent to the email id: [email protected]
  • Please write”APPLICATION FOR Ph.D.. IN (DEPARTMENT NAME)” in your subject area of email. By way of instance, if you’re applying to the Ph.D. programme in Physics, please write”Application for Ph.D. in PHYSICS”.
  • Following the last date, all applications will be screened and applicants shortlisted for interviews will be intimated by email and same will be available on the institute site.
  • Only shortlisted candidates called for interview have to bring recommendation letters in sealed envelopes, superscribed with”Letter of Recommendation for to Ph.D.. Program in “. Letter of recommendation not in a sealed envelope won’t be accepted.

Important Instructions:

  • All communicating with applicants will be done by e-mail only.
  • Constantly check this site for periodic updates.
  • Candidates that are appearing or are going to appear for final examinations of their qualifying degree programme are eligible to apply for Ph.D. programme. But if chosen, admission to the Ph.D. programme could be conditional on their finishing the qualifying degree together with the specified marks standards, before July 31, 2019.
  • Selection will be determined by interviews of those short-listed candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. Date of interview will be communicated to shortlisted candidates by email and the exact same will be available on the Institute site. TA will be compensated to SC/ST applicants looking for the interview according to Govt. of India norms.
  • Reservation will be applied based on Govt. of India norms. The relaxation of eligibility standards for SC/ST and PD applicants are according to Government of India norms. Candidates belonging to reserved category might need to submit applicable certificates if chosen.
  • Applying doesn’t automatically ensure that a candidate will be shortlisted for interview. The respective departments may use additional criteria (according to academic performance and/or performance in the national level tests) so as to shortlist applicants for interviews based on the number of applications received.
  • Applicant’s age shouldn’t exceed over 28 years at the time of joining. Age relaxation of 3 years will be awarded for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) and 5 years for SC/ST/PD/Female applicants.
  • All selected candidates will be qualified for either Institute fellowship of Rs. 31,000/- a month or fellowship in accordance with the standards of their funding agency, in vogue, subject to adequate performance in their course work.

In case of any application-related queries, please contact the respective departments (with a CC to [email protected])

Important Dates:

Last Date for receiving applications April 30, 2019
Interview Dates (Tentative) To be declared soon

Important Links

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Editor’s Note: IISER Berhampur 2019 Admissions, IISER Berhampur PhD Admissions 2019, IISER Berhampur PhD Programme July 2019 Admissions. Make sure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and that you are also following us on our YouTube channel for all of the latest.

Diluxi Arya
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