Freshers Biotech Career Advice
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Freshers Biotech Career Advice

We’ve all been there or are currently going through it. What next after 10th Boards, then + 2, and now as I am sure what’s next after a Biotech or any Biosciences degree. An age-old question posed by all of us and now one of the most searched questions on Google. So since we are a Biosciences Portal – Biotecnika has a comprehensive list of the best career advice you can stumble upon. We post articles often so this is a list for those of you who want all your information on the go. We will add to this list so make sure you bookmark this page. Last but not the least, all the very best in your career search!


  1. Why Biotech Freshers, Life Science Freshers Don’t get a Job Easily?

This question keeps coming to me every now and then. A lot of people who look for jobs at Biotecnika website have this principal question in mind, Why Biotech freshers don’t get a job? or rather Why Freshers don’t get a job readily?


2. Bsc Life Science Career Plan, 10 Things You Must Do during Bsc Degree

Bsc Life Science Career Plan, 10 Things<!-- This site is converting visitors into subscribers and customers with OptinMonster - :: Campaign Title: Inline Subscribers -- data-lazy-src=

You Must Do during Bsc Degree" width="283" height="171" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 696w, 695w" sizes="(max-width: 283px) 100vw, 283px" />

Today we’re going to talk about 10 Things You Must Do during BSc Degree. What you must do while you are doing your or degree in Life Science. What strategies you must take up during this stage of your career. To brief up you are going to read about what should be your Bsc Life Science Career Plan.

3. How to Get a Job in Biotech Industry Faster As a Fresher

How to Get a Job in Biotech Industry Faster As a Fresher

I feel real pride in informing you that after years of research & experience in the job placement industry of placing Jobseekers into various Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical companies, we have realized that all Job seekers face similar problems which are not at all related to their qualification or experience. It is related to something else.

4. Biotech Job Search Tips If You Are Not Getting Job Offers

Searching for life science jobs & Biotech Jobs is probably one of the most excruciating experience after not getting job offers for so long.

Well, it’s okay not to receive offers just yet. However, you can’t wait for opportunities to simply knock on your door. Some lucks require digging up before they show up. Just like finding a job, you need to get on your feet and start moving before anyone can secure your dream position.

5. How to Prepare for a Biotech Job Interview Successfully

How to Prepare for a Biotech Job Interview Successfully

It’s extraordinary how much interview advice there is on the internet nowadays. Most of them tend to be very successful, but not all are targeted at a specific issue.

6. 10 Best Career Options After Graduating in Biotechnology

10 Best Career Options After Graduating in Biotechnology

Generally, we dream a lot during our college years. We’re often taken far by our idealism and we tend to expect many things about our course. This is very true, especially for students who have taken up Biotechnology and Life sciences in India.

7. Top 10 Biotech Jobs With Good Future Career Opportunity

Top 10 Biotech Jobs With Good Future Career Opportunity

When you choose a course, it is also important to think about your future. So in this article, we have compiled the top 10 BioTech jobs that will remain in demand over the next decade.

8. Top 10 Alternative Biotech Career Options Outside the Research lab

Top 10 Alternative Biotech Career Options Outside the Research labWorking in the laboratory is a popular option for life science graduates. However, not everyone who completes their Graduate, Postgraduate or PhD degree in Biotech & life science ends up working in laboratories or in academia.


  1. Food Technology Career, Job Prospects, Scope In India & Abroad
  2. 7 Expert Tips on How to Write a Killer Resume
  3. Valuable Skills That You Can Add During & After & PhD.
  4. What is the Scope & Growth Rate of Life Science Industry?
  5. Biotech Salary Analysis 2018 – City Wise Biotech Jobs & Salary

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. Hello. I am in the final semester of my BE in Biotechnology. What opportunities do I have in the field of agriculture or plant sciences that have good job prospects?

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