Short-Term Training Opportunities 2019
The official notification for the Six Month Short-Term Training Opportunity at NII, New Delhi has been released. This training program is for the July to December 2019 session. Applications will be available only till March. Biosciences and Life sciences candidates hurry and apply to secure your seats. Check out the details below:
This call closes in :
Six month Training Opportunities:
The Institute provides opportunities for excellent students to perform project work under the supervision of the Institute’s scientists towards partial fulfilment of their postgraduate degrees (of SIX months’ duration; session I: July-December; session II: January-June). The minimum eligibility criterion for consideration of these requests is the first division or an equivalent grade (or at least 60 percent of aggregate scores) in all major examinations beginning from the secondary school exam onwards. After a procedure Ought to Be followed by interested students:
Students that are pursuing masters degrees (e.g. MSc, MVSc, MTech, integrated masters students in their 4th year etc.) could apply.
The requests have to be forwarded through the Heads of Departments and have to provide the academic resumes of the suggested student(s) clearly specifying percentage marks obtained at various levels
as well as the subjects covered, in addition to the period of proposed project work.Every department can forward a maximum of 2 requests.
Applicants should mention that their broad area of interest on the following subjects cited below:
A) immunity and infection b) Reproduction, Development and Cell Biology c) Genetics, Cellular signalling and Cancer Biology d) Chemical Biology, Biochemistry and Structural Biology.
Training opportunities could be offered only during both time periods mentioned.
Applications for January-June slot will be approved only from 15th August to 15th September each year and just chosen students will be informed by 31st October. Applications for July-December slot will be accepted only from 15th February to 15th March each year and only selected candidates will be informed by 30th April. Late applications won’t be considered.
Applications can be sent to the following email address: [email protected]. The subject line must mention ‘Six month Trainee Application’. This must be followed by a hard copy application sent to Administrative Officer, Academic Cell, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067.
Interested applicants can apply, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT (Download format of application click here).
Because of infrastructure constraint, the Institute won’t be able to provide any lodging at the campus. The trainee can make their particular arrangements for lodging during the length of the work.
There are no fixed numbers available annually but requests are considered on the basis of available vacancies.
Summer Training Opportunities:
Opportunities for summer trainees [6-12 week duration] in the Institute are available exclusively through sponsored programmes like the KVPY, INSPIRE, Summer research fellowship programme sponsored by Science Academies etc.. The Institute won’t entertain direct applications from applicants seeking these placements.
Editor’s Note: Training Opportunities 2019, Short-Term Training 2019, Short-Term Training Opportunities 2019, NII Short-Term Training Opportunities, training opportunity, short term training opportunities, nii training opportunities, national institute of immunology training opportunities, short-term research training. Check out the Biotecnika Newsletter and make sure you are subscribed to it, to receive all of the latest updates. Check out the Podcast we have on SoundCloud.