Recent Advancement In Healthcare Via Artificial Intelligence
Voice of Biotecnika – Episode 20
Artificial Intelligence -in short AI- is the buzzword of the millennium! Whenever we think of it, first what comes in our mind is super-robots or humanoids, looking and even behaving like a human. The popular Sci-fi culture as reflected by the fictional characters seen in movies like Star Wars, The Matrix, I-Robot, Terminator series etc. has aided in developing such concepts. What we fail to realize is that we might be already using the AI in our daily life. Today in this Podcast we will be discussing the role of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare field and also talk about the recent advancements.
The current scenario of AI in healthcare is very promising. But there are some risks also associated, like the privacy of patients and differences in the reasoning of human and AI. So it will be wise as not to hurry into the implementation of AI. We need to consider all the pros and cons. Listen to the podcast below to know more about it.
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