Now Hair Can Be Used to Detect Vitamin D Levels Apart From Blood
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Now Hair Can Be Used to Detect Vitamin D Levels Apart From Blood

With over a billion people estimated to be affected, vitamin D deficiency a risk factor for depression, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, diabetes, and cancer has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. To Cure the effects of low vitamin D Researchers in London have found that vitamin D can now be measured by human hair, paving the way for improved diagnosis.

Vitamin D levels are captured by blood analysis method at a single time point, in contrast, hair, which grow at approximately 1 centimeter a month, which might reflect vitamin D status over several months.
Associate Professor Lina Zgaga from Trinity College Dublin said, their study shows that vitamin D is being deposited continuously in the hair as it grows, more of it might be deposited at times when vitamin D concentration in the blood is high and less when it’s low. Lina Zgaga also added that the doctors might get a measure of vitamin D status by conducting a test based on the hair sample.


Zgaga also said that they will be investigating the use of hair products such as hair dye, or aspects that might affect vitamin D levels

in hair, the important ones being hair color and thickness.

The researchers stated it this study could possibly lead to an assessment of vitamin D Levels of historical populations – Elizabethans, Vikings, Celts, Romans, ancient Chinese, Egyptians by applications such as hair along with teeth which is the longest lasting surviving biological materials after death.

The findings of the above study were published in Nutrients Journal. However, to prove the exact connection of vitamin D concentration in the blood and in hair, further research has to be conducted.