ICGEB SMART Fellowship 2019
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ICGEB SMART Fellowship 2019

The notification for the ICGEBSMART Fellowship Programme 2019 – Scientific Mobility for Advanced Research Training (SMART) is now available. MSc candidates, young researchers with backgorunds in life sciences are encouraged to apply for this collaborative effort. Check details below:

This call expires in :

-1941Days -14Hours -14Minutes -54Seconds


The ICGEB SMART Fellowship programme promotes the mobility of researchers involving ICGEB Member States as a means of improving skill development, acquisition of particular hands-on training in new technology and increasing collaboration in science and technology and should reveal clear signs of strong collaboration between both labs.

Application guidelines:

Purpose: The programme promotes the mobility of researchers between the ICGEB Member States as a means of improving skill development, acquisition of specific hands-on training in technologies available in the receiving lab and increasing bilateral cooperation in science and technology, and should show clear evidence of strong collaboration between both labs. Applicants should focus on the impact for the fellow’s career, the benefit to the applicant’s home lab as well as the suitability of the receiving lab.

Subject Area: Applications are welcome in any area of the Life Sciences.

Qualification: The call is open to nationals of ICGEB Member

States and provides fellowships to scientists in the early stage of their career wishing to spend between 3 and 9 months at a research institution in an ICGEB Member State other than their own. Fellowships for mobility support to laboratories located in Italy, India and South Africa could be considered if the research activity proposed isn’t covered by one of the ICGEB labs (please see ICGEB Arturo Falaschi Short-term fellowships). There is no age limit. But preference is given to young scientists at the beginning of their research career. Applicants ought to be either registered for a PhD or have obtained their PhD degree within the last five years. Young scientists holding an MSc or equivalent can apply.SMART Fellowships support mobility between labs located in the Member States. Awards aren’t intended to prolong visits begun under other auspices; to encourage participation in courses, workshops or symposia or as bridging fellowships between, or prior to, long term stays funded by ICGEB or other organizations.

Terms and Benefits: Awards are for a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 9 months. The fellowship covers international economy return travel, health insurance and subsistence of the fellow only. The stipend ranges from US$ 800 to 1,500 a month based on local conditions in the receiving country and seniority of the applicant. Furthermore, a US$ 500 monthly bench fee may be paid directly to the receiving lab depending on the recommendation of the ICGEB Fellowships Committee. The fellowship stipend will be paid by bank transfer directly to the fellow’s bank account. Upon joining the receiving lab, ICGEB will transfer the bench fee allocation to the receiving lab, which will be responsible for the management of the funds and the certificate of expenditures to ICGEB. The receiving lab is expected to ensure that adequate provisions are in place for the specific research project and also to make the bench fee allocation available to the ICGEB SMART Fellow immediately, free from any administrative overhead costs. ICGEB makes no financial provision, nor can it provide administrative support for family members of participants in the programme.

Bench Fee: The bench fee allowance paid in the framework of this ICGEB SMART fellowship is a contribution to the implementation of this research project proposal presented by the candidate. The receiving lab is expected to utilize the whole bench fee allocation to the benefit of the approved research-training programme. Any unspent balance left will need to be returned to ICGEB. Funds can only be utilized to cover the purchase of lab consumables that are directly related to this SMART Fellow’s research activities including general labware, cryoware, glassware and plasticware chemicals and reagent cell culture consumables pipettes and pipette tipsmicroplatesPCR and qPCR consumables The following items Aren’t considered eligible costs: Costs of maintenance, repair, running or insurance of existing assets belonging to this Host InstitutePurchase of equipment, office furniture or fittings Computer hardware or software Office stationaryTravel costsLiteratureAdministrative costs and overhead expenses of the Institute Bank charges

Selection: The ICGEB Fellowships Selection Committee will evaluate complete applications received by the closing date. The candidates will be notified of this outcome by email when possible following the closing date for applications. The main criteria for selection include scientific excellence of this project, the qualities of the candidate’s CV and also the impact on his/her career, the potential benefit for your home and the host country, competence, skills and equipment available in the receiving lab. ICGEB will positively value any additional support provided by the receiving institute into the fellow’s living expenses (i.e. a direct contribution for living expenses, guest house accommodation, etc.)

Submission: Please complete the application form in all parts and return this form, via email, as well as all attachments to: ICGEB Fellowships UnitAtt: Barbara Argenti, ICGEB, Padriciano 99, I-34149 Trieste, Italy E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +39-040-3757382, Fax: +39-040-226555

Final Report: Successful candidate will jointly prepare a final scientific report together with all the host supervisor highlighting the achievements attained during the period of the Fellowship. The host Institute will submit a signed financial statement reporting the expenditure covered by the bench fee allowance received.

Application Format

Closing Dates for Applications: 31 September 2019

View Notification

Editor’s Note: ICGEB Fellowship 2019, SMART Fellowship 2019, ICGEB SMART Fellowship, ICGEB SMART 2019, ICGEB Scheme 2019, check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and also follow us on all of our social media. And check out the Podcast we have on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!