DST Indo-Russian Joint Research
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DST Indo-Russian Joint Research

The official notification for the Department of Science & Technology (DST) Indo-Russian Joint Research Call for Proposals 2019 has been announced. Interested Indian nationals can check out all of the details on the DST Indo-Russian Call for Proposals 2019 that are given below:

This call expires in :

-2159Days -18Hours -57Minutes -31Seconds


Indo-Russian Joint Research
Call for Proposals 2019

Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. Of India and Russian Foundation For Basic Research concluded a MoU for funding of Joint Research Proposals in India And Russia in the areas of Basic Science. Under this MoU each project will receive Annual funds of up to equivalent of US $30,000 (roughly Rs. 20,00,000/from DST to The Indian partner and up to Rbls 20,00,000 to the Russian partner)

DST and RFBR invite Indian and Russian scientists/researchers to submit proposals For Joint Research Project from these areas of basic sciences under DST-RFBR Cooperation:

  • Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics;
  • Physics and Astronomy;
  • Chemistry;
  • Biology and Medical Sciences;
  • Earth Sciences;
  • Telecommunications and Computer Sciences;
  • Fundamental of Engineering Sciences.

Proposals submitted in other research areas won’t be considered.

Terms of this Project Grant:

  • Support can be obtained for Joint Research in regions of basic sciences only. Joint Research projects will be completed by research teams from both nations. The Team leaders should hold a fulltime position at a university or research institute in Their respective nations. Scientists are advised to submit only 1 project Against this particular call.
  • The duration of each project is going to be two years initially.{After the completion of the Period, an application for further one year might be considered on the merit of The progress.
  • The team leaders must submit an application to the respective nodal agency, upon Consultations, utilizing the respective forms prescribed by DST and RFBR. Applications submitted by a single side only; not on prescribed format and received After due date won’t be accepted. Indian/Russian team leaders ought to, Therefore, make sure that their counterpart possesses an identical application on Prescribed format as per guidelines of nodal agencies by the due date.
  • DST and RFBR will conduct a parallel review of the applications respectively based On the agreed criteria. DST and RFBR will make joint decisions based on the Review results.
  • List of selected projects will be posted on site www.dst.gov.in / www.sticdst.org and www.rfbr.ru sometime in June / July 2019.
  • Successful Indian team leaders will be expected to complete various Governmental requirements before the commencement of this project.
  • Expected Beginning of Project: August / September 2019
  • Project leaders are required to submit Statement of Expenditure / Utilisation  Certification along with Project Technical report immediately after completion 1st and 2nd financial year.
  • The funding for the chosen projects will be provided in yearly instalments. The Second instalment for each project will be provided after receipt of financial Documents, mentioned previously, and on the evaluation of intermediate technical reports, Submitted by Indian and Russian researchers respectively to DST and RFBR and Only if both reports are evaluated positively.
  • Indian researchers currently implementing any Indo-Russian joint project Which is very likely to be over after 31st March 2019 aren’t eligible to submit Proposal under this call.
  • The Indian scientists That Are in any way involved in the implementation Of two or more projects which were formerly supported by the DST (International Group) which Aren’t expected to be finished by 31 March 2018 are also not eligible to become a member of this research team.

Kind of Support Available for Joint Project:

Each project will receive annual funding of around Rs. 20,00,000 from DST as well as Rbls 20,00, 000 from RFBR. This financing will cover the following expenses in connection with A project;

  • Consumables and other research expenditures; Expenditure by the project team in Their country would be borne by the respective country, i.e., DST would support Expenditure on the Indian side of the project whereas RFBR would meet the Expenditure of Russian side.
  • Support for Exchange trip component: The sending side will provide return International airfare, accommodation, per diem, etc.. Presently for the approved Visit of Indian scientists to Russia, following expenditure are agreed: international fares (from nearest airport to destination city by an economy excursion class), cash Allowance @ US $50 per day for a visit less than a week and US $40 per day for Longer trip; accommodation up to US $100 per night (subject to receipt), local Transportation up to US $25 (subject to receipt) and overseas medical insurance by Silver class for visit duration.
  • Institutional Overhead: According to DST norms.

Assessment of Applications:

All applications received by the notified round final date will undergo a peer review Process and subsequently be referred to an independent advisory panel for consideration and ranking. Applications must attain a positive rating to be considered eligible for financing. Joint selection of successful applications by DST and RFBR will be discussed by the Respective nodal agencies and informed by the rankings. Decisions are made by the DST-RFBR Joint Committee and are final. These criteria will be taken into Consideration for selection of proposals:

  • The scientific merit of this collaborative research proposal including the potential Of the anticipated outcomes to advance the knowledge base of the discipline; and The likely impact of the proposed research.
  • Scientific excellence of the projects
  • Mutual advancement of research through the transfer of knowledge and Expertise
  • Participation of young researchers
  • The ability of these teams to successfully complete the project

Submitting an Application:

The Indian researchers can download the proposal formats from websites www.dst.gov.in / www.onlinedst.gov.in and should submit completed application form And all appropriate information through the e-PMS portal of the DST. Proposals must be Submitted to DST via the e-application system provided at www.onlinedst.gov.in. Indian Applicants also asked to send a single hard copy to DST (Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Scientist É’),” DST) by 20th March 2019 through proper channel. It Needs to Be guaranteed That application with the identical title has been submitted by his / her Russian counterpart to RFBR by the due date. Proposal not submitted through either ePMS portal or hard Copy by the due date won’t be considered. DST Won’t be liable for any postal delay.

Any query associated with submission of the proposal against this call will be entertained only till 11th March 2019.

For Additional details and clarifications, if any, kindly Contact any of the following in India or Russia:

For India
Mr. Rajiv Kumar
Scientist `E’, International Division
Department of Science & Technology,
Ministry of Science & Technology,
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi – 110 016., India
Fax: +91-11-26862418
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: www.dst.gov.in /

For Russia
Ms Mirzabekova Andreevna Asya
International Relations Department,
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
В-334, FSP-1, Leninsky Prospect- 32A
Moscow – 119991, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.rfbr.ru

Deadline: 15th March 2019


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Editor’s Note: Check Biotecnika Times Newsletter – for more such opportunities. DST Call for Proposals, Indo-Russian Joint Research Call for Proposals, Indo-Russian Call for Proposals, call for proposals dst, call for Proposals, DST Indo-Russian call for proposals 2019, joint research call for proposals 2019, dst indo russian call for proposals 2019. Subscribe to our YouTube channel as well to keep yourself updated on the latest.

Diluxi Arya
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