TIFR Visiting Students' Research Programme (VSRP-2019)
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TIFR Visiting Students’ Research Programme (VSRP-2019)

TIFR Visiting Students’ Research Programme (VSRP-2019) notification has been released. Interested and eligible candidates are encouraged to apply online for the TIFR Visiting Students’ Research Programme 2019. Check out all of the details on the same below:

This call expires in :

-2209Days -2Hours -27Minutes -24Seconds


The Visiting Students’ Research Programme (VSRP-2019) will be held at TIFR, Mumbai during the period May 6 to June 28, 2019.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) conducts annual summer programmes in which talented students are introduced to research activities in the areas of Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics.

The selected students are expected to work on a research project under the supervision of a TIFR researcher.

The programmes are held both at the Mumbai campus of the TIFR as well as at the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), Pune during mid-May to early July each year.


Computer & Systems Sciences :
1) Two years of undergraduate coursework in an academic institution.
2) Should not have participated in VSRP before.

Please note that the VSRP programme is for students currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme and not for PhD students or faculty



Selection is purely based on the academic performance of the student, submitted write-up and referee reports. There is no selection test/interview.


Selected students are paid a monthly stipend @ Rs 7000/- per month and to and fro travel reimbursement from the place of their residence. Also, free shared accommodation on- or off- campus is provided.

How to Apply:

Students are encouraged to apply online.

1. Registration includes two steps: First complete basic registration step by clicking the “Apply Online” button given below.

2. During the basic registration, “Prefered Subject” indicates TIFR subject area you are applying for i.e., Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Mathematics / Computer & Systems Sciences.

3. After completing basic registration, you will receive an email with a link for advanced registration. Before proceeding to advanced registration, please keep the following ready :

a) Scanned photo (.jpg file of size not exceeding 100kb ) of your passport size photograph.

b) Students can select two areas of research for a selected department. Please read the Information Brochure before you fill this section.

c) A write-up of up to 400 words, describing your interest in the most preferred field of study has to be provided in the appropriate box. The write up should not contain special characters. In particular, use of equations in write-ups is strongly discouraged.

d) Names, Affiliation, Designation, Contact address (both e-mail and physical address) and contact phone number of two referees who would be filling referee reports for you. They should be teachers or persons with whom you have interacted academically.

The link for filling up the Referee Report Form online will be sent by email to both Referees after complete registration.

Last date for application :

For Maths – February 28, 2019
For all other subjects – January 31, 2019


View Notification

Apply Online

Editor’s Note: TIFR Visiting Students’ Research Programme (VSRP-2019), TIFR Visiting Students’ Research Programme 2019, VSRP-2019, TIFR VSRP-2019. Make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter – and also, the Podcast that we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. I have completed MSc Biotechnolog this year. Am i eligible for this training???

    • no actually its for the currently enrolled students not for passed out students

  2. no its actually for currently enrolled students not for passed out students

  3. I’m doing my final year M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry. Am I eligible for training?

  4. I am going to enter into Bsc Biotechnology (2nd year – 4th semester).
    Am I eligible for this training ?

  5. I am currently studying in II M. Sc Botany. Am I eligible for this training?

  6. I am in the first year of msc biotechnology can I Am eligible to apply.

  7. Currently, I am in my final semester of m.sc. biotechnology. Am I eligible for this?

  8. I am a final year btech biotechnology student. Am i able to apply for the same?

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