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Research Fellowship Hiked By 24% DST Gives New Year Bonanza

Before the last budget of the Modi government could be announced. Here is a bonanza, here is a gift for all the researchers of India. Finally, the government has acknowledged after several repeated requests and efforts, protests and hunger strike by various research organizations and by Biotecnika. Finally, the government has paid attention to this issue and a 24% hike in fellowship has been granted today by a notification issued by the Department of Science and Technology.

This particular notification sounds like an acknowledgment to the issue, but it does not address the issue. Rs 31,000 does solve our expenditure problems to some extent, but it does not match the market rates. What we had expected is a hike up to Rs 50,000 per month for JRF hand 55,000 to 60,000 for SRF which has not happened this time. Also, the expectation was that the government will make the hike effective from the month of April 2018, even that has not been met. The revised emoluments will take effect from 01.01.2019.

However, it comes as a small gift for all the researchers and we hope it will be received with happiness

by the research community. Do post your comments and experience in the comments section below.


The official notice released by DST pertaining to hike in fellowship can be viewed below:

Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Science & Technology

Dated: January 30, 2019

Subject: Revision of emoluments and guidelines on service conditions for research personnel engaged in R& D programme of the Central Government Departments/Agencies

Attention is invited to the Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014 issued by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India on the above subject. The matter has been further considered by the Government and the following revised emoluments have been approved. The O.M. is applicable to the research personnel working on R&D programmes funded by the Central Government Department/Agencies.

Hiked Fellowship Details:


A.Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Sl.No Designation & Qualification  Revised Emoluments per month 
1 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 
Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate I Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following:a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests -CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.b. The selection process through National level
examinations conducted by Central Government
Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE. DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.
Rs. 31,000/-
2 Senior Research Fellow (SRF) 
Qualification prescribed for JRF with two years of research experience
Rs. 35,000/-


A.1 After completion of two years, an external assessment by the Institution where the student is enrolled for Ph.D. is mandatory for upgradation from JRF to SRF. The fellow may be awarded SRF after successful assessment.

A.2 Annual Satisfactory Assessment is mandatory to continue the benefit of fellowship during SRF period.

B. Research Associate

Research associates may be fixed at a consolidated amount at one of the 3 pay levels given below depending upon the qualification and experience. The Institute/Organization concerned may decide the level in which a particular associate should be placed based on the experience. The Essential Qualification (EQ) for RA is as follows:

Ph.D./MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/M.Pharm/ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.

Sl.No Category Revised Emoluments per month 
I Research Associate -I Rs. 47,000/-
II Research Associate – II Rs. 49.000/-
III Research Associate – III Rs. 54,000/-


2. Service Conditions:

(I) DA: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to DA.

(II) House Rent Allowance (HRA): All research fellows may be provided hostel accommodation wherever available. Research fellowship holder residing in hostels shall not be entitled for HRA. Wherever provision of hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA may be allowed to all the above categories viz. JRF, SRF and RA as per Central Government norms applicable in the city/location where they are working. The percentage required for calculating HRA will be based on the fellowship amount.

(III) Medical Benefits: The research fellows and research associates (JRF/SRF/RA) will be entitled to a medical allowance as applicable in the implementing institution.

(IV) Leave and other entitlements: The JRF/SRF are eligible only for casual leave while Research Associates are entitled to leave as per rules of the host institution. Participation of any of these categories (JRF/SRF/RA) in scientific event/workshops held in India or abroad will be treated as “on duty” with due approval of the host institution. The travel entitlement for JRF/SRF/RA for participation in scientific events/workshops in India will continue to be the same as earlier i.e. 2″ AC by rail. Maternity leave as per the Govt. of India instructions issued from time to time would be available to female candidates in all categories.

(V) Bonus & Leave Travel Concession: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to these allowances.

(VI) Retirement Benefits: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to these benefits.

(VII) Publication/Patent: The results of JRF/SRF/RA’s research work may be published preferably in standard refereed journals with the concurrence of the Fellow and his/her Supervisor / Advisor. It should be ensured by the fellow that the assistance provided by the funding agency the of Government of India is acknowledged in all such publications.

(VIII) Obligation of JRF/SRF/RA:

a) He/She shall be governed by the disciplinary regulations of the host Institute where he/she is working.
b) The JRF/SRF/RA must send a report of the research work done during the period of Fellowship as may be asked by the sponsoring agency.

3. Ministry/Department may consider fixing the number of fellowships considering their budgetary outlays. Central Government Departments /Agencies are requested to ensure that the above guidelines are followed in regard to the remuneration and other benefits to the research personnel engaged in R&D projects funded by them.

4. Selection for the award of fellowship shall ordinarily be through common competitive examinations, However, for subjects where there is no examination presently, Government Departments and their authorized agencies and institutions may start conducting an examination to screen candidates for the award of fellowships. This shall not be applied retrospectively and the persons already enrolled shall be exempted.

5. Date of Effect: The revised emoluments will take effect from 01.01.2019. Respective Departments should meet the additionality from their existing budget through matching savings in other schemes. At the time of the main budget for 2019-20, this may be reviewed.

6. In order to further enhance value, quality, and experience in doctoral research, the Government has agreed to incentivize the research output, for e.g. in the form of publications and patents. An Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee of the Government is to evolve the modalities of implementation. The Committee will periodically examine all the fellowship matters Including disbursement and quantum of fellowship.

7. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide DoE ID Note No 33(14)/PFC-I1/2018 dated 28.01.2019.


Keywords: Hike in fellowship, hike in a research fellowship, fellowship hike news, percentage of hike in fellowship, JRF fellowship increased, SRF fellowship increased. Research associate fellowship increased. Hike fellowship news. DST hike in fellowship. Research fellowship hiked by 24%.

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  1. This is the lowest hike given compare to earlier hikes, that to many protest and hunger strikes. Worst experience with the government.

  2. That’s very good news. Because every year financial demand in society is 15-20% on the cards. It was consolidated or fixed salary for tye period which is mention in the post (JRF/SRF/RA). It was too difficult for researcher to combat with daily needs. Even it’s humble request to the funding agency and Government of India to hike 15-20% every academic year. Bacause most of the times the researcher is full time involved in office work and dependent only on the salary given by funding agency.
    Anyhow its sigh of relief to some extent as far as economy is concerned. Thanks to Funding agency, GOI and Biotechnika for effort and such a good news in the beginning of new year itself.

  3. This is just like giving a lollipop to a person who has not eaten in a month. All research scholars across India hoped at least a 40-50% hike in scholarship after what everyone has been through. Once this hike has happened no one could question anything for next 4-5 years then. Has anyone thought how much inflation would occur in 4-5 years? How are we to support our families. our own education and monthly needs viz, , house rent,electricity bills, water bills, internet, food, etc. for 4-5 years with this much fellowship. Also many Scholars get married during their Phd. How are they supposed to look after their wife and children after meeting the above stated expenditures? This is a horrible and sad side of the current government that we are facing today who think so less of research scholars. On one hand they talk of scientific development and getting more students to do higher education and PhDs and also to reduce brain drain from our country and on the other hand they won’t meet the basic needs of the researchers unless we go on streets. Two things I am sure of is that if the present situation of fellowships for research scholars is not improved, then brain drain will definitely increase and it already has. Second thing that will happen is that the students taking up PhDs will look for other jobs to get into after graduation. India is already losing a lot of its bright minds because of the job uncertainty in the field of research. This behaviour of negligence by the government towards our research scholars is only aggravating the situation.

  4. What about the scholarship of a project fellow ?A project fellow( even having GATE valid score-card) works under some project but still many of them are getting the previous fellowship (Rs-16000)

  5. Is this hike only for JRF qualified students?
    What about students who have qualified NET and are enrolled in Ph.D and getting only 8000 pm. Is there any increase in their fellowship?

  6. What about the candidates who is admitted in ph.d through QIP scheme of central govt…
    Presently getting only 15000.
    What abt him.
    They are also eligible for 24% hike ???
    Please tell if any body knows abt this

  7. There is not any defined fulfillment job support to researchers and suffering many problems after the JRF/SRF period. This is the situation about Indian researchers. It should be thinkable unit on the researcher about their service to the society.

  8. This clearly shows that Modi government does not care about the megre number of votes from the scientific community. The will rather come up with catchy acronyms for pointless policies that only work on paper, they will rather devalue the Indian Scientific Community by talking bullshit like, we invented plastic surgery and so on, than actually supporting the scientists who are working day and night, and believe me, most of them work equally as hard as our boastful Prime Minister, who works 20 hr a day. We sacrifice spending time with our families and friends. We have to see our school friends get multi-lakh job packages from MNCs just after completing their BTechs, while we work our asses off in laboratories with nothing but 25K-30K in our pockets. Does the Ministry ever thought that we may also have to send money to our families? Now what would a PhD student send to his home if he’s earning 25k per month for 5 years, till the age of 30? At the end of his PhD, what savings will he have for his ever so uncertain future after PhD?

    Our mindless ministers should think about these things before insulting our work and efforts in media.

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