New Weapon To Fight Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs
As per reports by 2050, more than 1.3 million people can be dead due to Antibiotic-resistant superbugs. WHO has declared Antibiotic-resistant superbugs as the largest threat to Human global health worldwide.
A new strain of bacteria has been discovered by Swansea University Medical School research team from the soil of Ireland. Ireland soil has been long known for its medicinal properties, but this new bacteria type named Streptomyces sp. myrophorea has been found which is effective against 4 out of top 6 antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
The soil for analysis was extracted from an alkaline grassland area whose soil has medicinal properties and is located in are called as Boho Highlands. History depicts the usage of the soil to heal ailments including a toothache, pain in body parts. The soil was traditionally wrapped in cotton and was applied to the affected area. Traditionally a little bit of dirt was wrapped up in a cotton cloth and used to heal many ailments including a toothache, throat and neck infections.
The hunt for antibiotics replacement to fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs has pushed the research community to explore new sources, including folk medicines: a field of study known as ethnopharmacology. They’re also focusing on environments where renowned
antibiotic manufacturers like Streptomyces is found.Dr. Gerry Quinn from the research team said that The discovery of antimicrobial substances from this new bacterial strain will aid their research for the formulation of new drugs to treat superbugs that cause lethal diseases.
The team will now focus on the identification and purification of these antibiotics. Additional antibacterial organisms have also been extracted from the same soil sample, which might cover a broader spectrum of multi-resistant pathogens.
That’s great, hopefully more research will be done on it and mankind will be saved from this dreadful threat of resistance.
This is incredible. Kudos to the team
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