IITM Summer Fellowship Programme
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IITM Summer Fellowship Programme 2019 With Stipend

The notification for the IITM – Summer Fellowship Programme 2019 has been released. Interested candidates can check out the details for the Biotechnology IITM – Summer Fellowship Programme 2019 that has been given. Details on the course, stipend, application procedure is given down below:

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Summer Fellowship Programme – 2019

The IITM – Summer Fellowship Programme of 2 months with stipend is intended to boost awareness and interest in high-quality academic research among young Engineering, Management, Sciences and Humanities students through a goal-oriented summer mini-project undertaken in the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Eligibility: Candidates pursuing the 3rd year of B.E./B.Tech. /B.Sc. (Engg) or 3rd or 4th year of Integrated M.E./M.Tech. programme, 1st year of ME/M. Tech/M. Sc. /M.A, MBA with an excellent academic background in terms of high ranks in university examinations are encouraged to apply, highlighting their academic performance and achievement including papers presented in seminars, projects executed, design contests engaged, score/rank at Mathematics Olympiad and any other awards/distinctions obtained. [IIT students aren’t eligible to use ].

Period of the Project: Duration of this programme may commence from 20th May 2019 to 19th July

2019. (Schedule may be flexible to suit student’s convenience.)

Stipend: A sum of Rs.6000/per month will be awarded as a stipend for a maximum period of two months.

Bonafide: Letter from the Institute: Should certify that you are a bonafide student issued by the Head of Institution (download template of UG/DD bonafide and PG Bonafide)

Participating Departments:

  • Engineering Departments: Bio-Technology

How to apply:

  • Application ought to be submitted online in this portal.
  • There’s no requirement to send a hard copy to IIT Madras.
  • Generate a pdf file and keep it for your reference.
  • Please make sure that all of the relevant data and enclosures are uploaded on the internet.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected.
  • For any clarification, send email to [email protected]

Note: Letter from the Institute: Should certify That You’re a bonafide student issued by the Head of Institution (download template of UG/DD bonafide and PG Bonafide)

View Notification

Editor’s Note: IITM Summer Fellowship Programme 2019 With Stipend, IITM – Summer Fellowship Programme. Summer Fellowship Programme – 2019. Summer Fellow. Make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and also, the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. At present , I’m sudying 2nd year B.Sc Biotechnology ,Can I apply for it?

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