MoEFCC Call for Proposals 2018-2019
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Call For Proposals 2018-2019 have been announced by Zoological Survey of India. MoEFCC Call For Proposals 2018-2019 notification has been released by ZSI. Intersted applicants can check out all of the details on the same given below:
This call expires in :
Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change invites proposals from various Institutions or Organizations who can act as Coordinating Centre, Collaborating Units or Principal Investigator for undertaking advance taxonomic research under the All India Coordinated Project on Capacity Building in Taxonomy (AICOPTAX) in the following identified thematic areas:
Thrust Areas for Research:
- Plant and Animal viruses
- Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic bacteria
- Fresh Water and Marine Algae
- Fresh water and marine phytoplankton and zooplankton
(including euglenoids/ ciliatets/rhizopods/ Ostracods/ Cladocerans) - Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic fungi
- Crustacea
- Insects: Coleoptera, Plectophera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Aphids, Miscellaneous Insects, Phthireptera, Arachnida, Tettigonida and lesser known flora and fauna
- Oomycetes, cellular slime moulds, Pyhtoplasma
- Protozoa and Sporozoa,
- Annelida, Meiofauna
- Lichens, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and High altitude Gymnosperms
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Legumes, Palms & Canes, Orchids, Grasses & Bamboos, and Aquatic plants.
- Molecular and Biochemical techniques in Taxonomy.
- Pollinators and Seed dispersers.
- Training Centers:
(i) Research in Animal biosystematics and advanced training in taxonomy.
(ii) Research in Plant biosystematics and advanced training in taxonomy.
The broad objectives are:
- Understanding of plant, animal and microbes interactions
- Setting-up of Training Centre for Animal and Plant Taxonomy
- Documentation of fauna and flora in Bio-geographic Zones (Deccan Peninsula, Semi-Aired, Coast and North East) Eco-sensitive Zones, Saltmarsh Biodiversity, High Altitude Biodiversity, Canopy Biodiversity, Biodiversity of Plateau, and Extremophiles.
- Documentation and Assessment of Endemic and Threatened Biota.
- Field assessment of trees of India for conservation.
- Taxonomic studies on the common groups of biota with economic importance and general floristics and faunistics.
- Research in plant biosystematics and advanced training in taxonomy
- Research in animal biosystematics and advanced training in taxonomy
- Capacity building in taxonomic groups requiring conservation and sustainable utilisation
- Application of modern tools and techniques in taxonomy
- Enhancing abilities for facing challenges of urbanisation, development, commercial needs, natural disasters, pollution and climate change.
Who are eligible to apply?
Academic Institutions, Universities, National Institutes, recognized R&D Institutions, scientists, and technologists working in them (NGOs, voluntary bodies and private organizations including industry have to be registered as a research
institution with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India). PI should have the capacity to register 1 or 2 PhD Scholar on taxonomy project as per the sanctioned strength, a proven record as a taxonomist is desirable.
How to apply?
The proposal should be made in the prescribed application format given in the Guidelines of Support to Environmental Research, 2012. Proposals prepared by the Principal Investigator (PI) should be forwarded by the Head of Institution. If the project is a joint venture then it should be explicitly mentioned. The complete ‘Guideline for Support to Environmental
Research – 2012’ which inter-alia provides details on the scope and coverage of research grants, concept of public-private partnership in R & D project, procedure for invitation, submission, appraisal, monitoring and review of research projects along with norms of funds, terms and conditions governing research grants and various prescribed proforma are available on the website of the Ministry at /
Steering Committee may also invite proposals on specific issues.
Submission of the Proposal:
Ten hard copies of the application in the prescribed format and a soft copy through e-mail at [email protected] are required to be submitted. The application complete in all respects should be sent by Registered/ Speed Post to Scientist In-charge (Technical), Botanical Survey of India(HQ), CGO Complex, 3rd.MSO Building Block F, (5th. & 6th.Floor), DF Block, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 064. Phone No. 033-23219334
In addition, a soft copy of the proposal should also be e-mailed at: [email protected] along with one hard and soft copy to Ms Madhumita Biswas, Adviser /Scientist-G, CS/TAX, 2nd Floor, Vayu Wing Room No. 202, Ministry of Environment Forest, and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003.
Last Date of submitting the Proposal: 31st March, 2019, However, the proposals will be assessed periodically during the current financial year for consideration of funding.
For further details, please contact:
Dr Sandeep Kumar Chauhan
Scientist ‘D’
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, 5th Floor, Agni Wing
Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110 003
Telefax: 011 24695240
Email: [email protected]
Deadline: 31st March 2019
View Notification Below
Editor’s Note: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Call For Proposals 2018-2019, MoEFCC Call for Proposals 2018-19, Zoological Survey of India Call for Proposals 2018-19. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter for more such opportunities and also, check out the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.