IMPRINT 2 Impacting Research Innovation and Technology – Call For Proposal
MHRD and DST official notification for 2019 IMPacting Research INnovation and Technology (IMPRINT-2). Interested and eligible can apply online for the call via SERB. IMPRINT-2 official call for applications from faculty members and researchers in all Government of India funded Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), check details on the same below:
This call expires in :
(Last date for submission of proposals under IMPRINT-IIC-1 scheme has been extended up to 4th February 2019 17:00 PM.)
Call for proposal under IMPRINT will open on 15th Dec 2018
What is IMPRINT?
India, a mighty global economy which will soon be crowned the youngest nation in the world faces multiple daunting challenges in terms of energy/physical/cyber security, potable water scarcity, environment and climate change, poverty, affordable health care for billions, etc. A vast majority of these tasks demand engineering intervention and technological innovation. A clarion call was made by the Honourable President and Prime Minister to address all engineering and technological challenges faced by the nation through a nation-wide unique initiative called IMPacting Research INnovation and Technology (IMPRINT) launched on November 5, 2015 from the Rashtrapati Bhavan. IMPRINT India was a multi-stakeholder mission programme aimed at
bridging the gap between scientific knowledgebase created through fundamental and applied research and fruitful translation of the same through engineering invention and technogical innovation for the betterment of society.What is IMPRINT-2?
IMPRINT-India initiative was both novel and unique. Despite unprecedented interest, wide spread enthusiasm and unique scope and utility of the initiative, a need was felt to sharpen the focus, streamline the process of review and allotment, and showcase the fruits of innovation pursued and achieved through IMPRINT in public domain by creating a ‘knowledge portal’. Thus, IMPRINT has now graduated into the next edition, IMPRINT-2, with wider scope, simpler guideline for participation and better synergy among investigators, partners and collaborators. It is also realised and appreciated that IMPRINT-2 should be undertaken in a more inclusive manner by expanding the catchment of implementing institutions, by adopting a more demand-driven strategy of solution development and by incorporating the specific externalities of the states of India so as to make end-user translation and technology adoption easier. SERB in the DST is proposed to be made the nodal agency for implementing the IMPRINT-2.
Who can apply
Principal Investigator (PI): The applicant or the Principal Investigator (PI) should be an Indian citizen. The PI must hold a regular academic/research position (Faculty member or Scientist or Scientific Officer) of Centrally Funded Technical Institution (CFTI), MHRD funded Central University (CU) or MHRD funded Higher Education Institution (HEI) offering/pursuing research and development (R&D) in engineering and technology (E&T), having at least 4 years of regular service left before superannuation as on date of submission of the proposal. For a given project, there will be only one PI. Scientists who has project under IMPRINT-2A and IMPRINT- 2B are not eligible for IMPRINT-2C.
The PIs should be confident of developing and demonstrating new and novel technology solutions borrowing from already established and documented knowledge base. The following points will be given priority during the project evaluation:
- Projects which address any of the ‘themes’ identified by one of the 10 Technology Domains and ‘topics’ proposed by stake holder Ministry or Departments.
- Projects which qualify as translational research initiatives leading to viable technology, prototype or working model development.
- Projects with industry participation or startup company involvement that may lead to developing commercially viable products and thereby creating jobs.
Implementation of IMPRINT-2:
The SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) of the Department of Science & Technology (DST) would be the nodal agency for implementing the IMPRINT-2 initiative working along with the National Coordinator (Prof. Indranil Manna, IIT Kharagpur) of IMPRINT. The SERB will create a separate vertical (Steering Committee) under its overall set up with allocated resources and a time bound action plan for selection, funding and management of research projects under IMPRINT-2.
Nature and quantum of support:
Two successive calls for proposal will be issued during 2018 and 2019 for projects with up to 36 months duration. Projects with clear translational objective and mandate and with industry support in cash will be preferred. While financial support for project staff, contingency, consumables and domestic travel is permissible, support under equipment head, particularly for expensive and sophisticated equipment purchase and facility creation will be discouraged. Utilization of funds must comply with GFR 2017, C&AG audit rules and purchase norms of the host institution.
How to Apply:
For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:
- All applications for IMPRINT-2 will be submitted online through SERBOnlineportal of SERB.
- Applicant should first register into the SERBOnline website . click here to register
- After successful registration , user will be sent a confirmation mail on registered emaiID .User must click on the url provided in the mail to confirm registration.
- After log-in, go to Menu –> Proposal Submission –> Form Submission. Select scheme “Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT-2)” and Click on “Start Submission” button.
- Some of the details of proposal like Co-PI and Collaborator(s) details, Industrial partners, Technical details, Budget (Manpower, Consumables, Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads), reference materials have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
- Biodata of Principal Investigator has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB . Download Template
Call for proposal under IMPRINT will open on 15th Dec 2018
Deadline: 14th January 2019 (Last date for submission of proposals under IMPRINT-IIC-1 scheme has been extended up to 4th February 2019 17:00 PM.)
Editor’s Note : mhrd notifications, dst india notification, 2019 IMPRINT-2 notification, IMPRINT-2 notification. Ensure you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter for more such awesomeness, and also download our app for free and use it for hassle free swiping action.