Govt of India, National Productivity Council Recruitment 2018
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Govt of India, National Productivity Council Recruitment 2018

MSc and PhD Biosciences candidates can apply for Consultants, Experts & Trainers posts at National Productivity Council. National Productivity Council is a government agency recruiting for project positions. Botany candidates with an MSc & PhD degree for project posts at National Productivity Council. Check details below:

This job expires in :

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(Under Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)
ADVERTISEMENT NO. HQ/HRM/S03/2017-18 DATED 03.08.2018

National Productivity Council (NPC) is an apex organization to create productivity awareness and consciousness throughout the nation. It mentors and encourages associations to improve their triple bottom line — economic, social and environmental outputs and outcomes, through the generation and application of advanced knowledge. NPC provides unrivalled holistic remedies for enhancing competitiveness and productivity through a ton of services viz. Consultancy, training for capacity building, action research, Evaluation Studies etc. customized to suit the client’s needs.

To be able to scale-up its operations and ensure successful delivery of its own services, the organization wants to engage external consultants, domain experts, & acclaimed trainers. These personals are empanelled via a rigorous selection procedure. At the Moment the organization is looking to enroll and empanel the professionals that will be offered contractual engagement on project/program basis depending upon the requirement by its following disciplines:

1. Agri-business Services (AB)
2. Economics Services (ES)
3. Energy Management (EM)
4. Environment Management (EM)
5. Finance (F)
6. HR, Employee Development & Legal (ED)
7. Human Resource Management (HRM)
8. Industrial Engineering (IE)
9. Information Technology (IT)
10. Productivity Awareness (PA)
11. Technology Management (TM)
12. Training Services (TRG).

You may further refer to the areas of operations of the above-mentioned areas at NPC Site under’COMPETENCIES’ except for F, ED, PA, and TRG that are internal divisions.

The incumbent is expected to be more flexible to move to any location of this nation depends on the need of this project/program. But he’s free to choose from the list of our Regional Directorates for smooth coordination viz., (I) Delhi (ii) Chandigarh (iii) Kanpur (iv) Guwahati (v) Patna (vi) Jaipur (vii) Gandhinagar (viii) Bhubaneswar (ix) Bangalore (x) Hyderabad (xi) Chennai (xii) Mumbai (xiii) Kolkata. The thorough address of every NPC Office can be obtained at NPC Site under’OFFICES’.


The experts with the following eligibility can apply for the indicative disciplines with broadly recognized skill sets, as Stated below:

Post Graduate/Doctorate in Agriculture & Allied discipline such as Dairy, Food, Oil Technologist, etc. a minimum of five years of related experience.

LIST OF COMPETENCIES REQUIRED: Monitoring & Evaluation, Data Analysis & preparation of reports, Inspection/Audit of warehouse under WDRA, FBO Audit under FSSAI, Lead Auditor-HACCP, ISO 9001/22000


  1. All the applications shall be screened for qualification and completeness. Complete applications shall be sorted and shortlisted for calling suitable candidates for interview. Each of the candidates might not be called for an interview.
  2. Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of interviews taken by a selection committee.
  3. The chosen Applicant will be offered a contractual engagement on project/program basis according to accessibility and according to mutually agreed terms and conditions.
  4. No documents will need to be attached to the application. Documents will be confirmed at the time of the interview, if needed.
  5. Any incomplete application shall be summarily rejected.
  6. Any false statement/information provided in the application will be taken extremely seriously and will liable applicant to rejection and legal actions.
  7. This empanelment
  8. an offer for engagement and the engagement doesn’t confer upon any right of permanent employment in NPC and will be only a contractual engagement on project/program basis on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
  9. The engagement, if any, DOES NOT confer any right to the engaged consultant/expert/trainer to any position or job in NPC or any other wing of the Government on any preference in employment after the tenure of engagement or anytime in the future.
  10. NPC reserves its right NOT TO ENGAGE any consultant/expert/trainer in response to the advertising and this is only an invitation to apply for engagement/empanelment.
  11. The chosen candidate is expected to maintain the highest criteria of behaviour, decorum and show politeness in dealing with NPC or its clients/officials during or following the conclusion of the engagement with NPC.
  12. The candidate will tackle & execute the assigned tasks with all sincerity and according to communicated timelines. The failure in commitments and obligation by the candidate will be viewed seriously and his engagement/empanelment is going to be terminated as well as NO FURTHER PROJECT/PROGRAM ENGAGEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED.
  13. After the culmination of tenure of project/program engagement, if the engaged consultant/expert/trainer is found to be involved in demeaning the brand/image of NPC, a legal actions will be taken against him and he is going to be blacklisted from providing his services to NPC and it’ll be shown on the NPC site.
  14. The candidate will carry his own laptop to undertake the delegated tasks whereas additional facilities such as internet, printing, etc. will be provided while working at NPC premises.
  15. The candidates are advised to provide an email address for communication of interview call and selection and no communication will be made by post, the candidates are advised to check the provided email in addition to the NPC site.
  16. The candidate Ought to Be willing to work in any place since the projects/programs derive from client specific locations.


The Applicants fulfilling eligibility criteria may submit their complete details in prescribed Online Application Form for Empanelment of Consultant, Expert &Trainer, which is available on NPC Website.

Deadline: 31st January 2019

View Notification Below


Editor’s Note: national productivity council jobs, government jobs, govt msc jobs, govt biosciences jobs, msc jobs, phd biosciences jobs. Check out all of the details on jobs at Biotecnika Times Newsletter. Also check out the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!