EMBO Research Leadership Course
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EMBO Research Leadership Course – India Alliance, DBT Wellcome

Call for application: EMBO Research Leadership Course, March 2019 notification has been released. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the benefits, the details of the course, application procedure and important dates and links below:

This call expires in :

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Leadership and management skills are critical for a successful career in science. The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance, with support from European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) brings this course to satisfy the needs of researchers in India.


Introduce key academic leadership theories;

– Develop further individual leadership styles;
– Convey crucial communication abilities;
– Understand how to effectively select the right staff;
– Expand support network for leadership issues in academia.

The four-day EMBO Academic Leadership Course will cover subjects such as:

– leadership abilities;
– communication abilities;
– staff development;
– conflict-solving strategies;
– efficient problem solving;
– staff selection.

Practical exercises, in the form of role-play and discussion groups, provide hands-on expertise. The principle of the course is –“As much theory as essential and as much practice as possible”.

How to Apply:

To apply for participation in the Course, the applicant should be:

– Assistant or Associate Professor (or equivalent) in Life Sciences.
– Willing to pay a refundable advance of INR 10,000, if chosen for the course. This fee will be reimbursed after the workshop to people who have attended the complete workshop.
– Ready to make their own travel and cover their lodging arranged by India Alliance at a 3-star hotel or equivalent.

Course dates:

Delhi NCR: 18-20 & 22 March 2019
Hyderabad: 25-28 March 2019

Complete online application form here: http://bit.do/IAleadershipworkshop

Download the poster of the course here.

In case of queries, please write to [email protected]; it may take up to 5 working days for a response.

Provided by:

Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Lebenswissenschaften (GFLW), Germany
GFLW aims to foster science and research by organising scientific events and financing courses and workshops for scientists. It delivers the EMBO Laboratory Leadership Courses on behalf of EMBO.

Supported and facilitated by:

Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance is an initiative funded equally by the Wellcome Trust, UK and Department of Biotechnology, India, aimed at promoting basic biomedical, clinical and public health research in India through funding and engagement. www.indiaalliance.org

European Molecular Biology Organisation is a professional organization of life scientists in Europe. Its goal is to promote research in life science and enable international exchange between scientists. www.embo.org

Application deadline: 15 January 2019, 11.59 PM (IST)

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Diluxi Arya
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