Eco-Friendly Green Crackers Developed By CSIR Lab
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Eco-Friendly Green Crackers Developed By CSIR Lab

In an initiative to curb pollution during festive seasons like Diwali, Scientists at CSIR Lab have developed Environment-Friendly Crackers “Green Crackers”. The announcement for the same was made by Harsh Vardhan, Minister for Science and Technology. The Green Crackers are claimed to extremely less polluting.

Researchers from two renowned National CSIR Labs namely Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) Karaikudi & Tamil Nadu and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) in Nagpur have collaborated to work on this project. CSIR Scientists not only have developed these Green Crackers by modifying the chemical composition of flower pots “Anar” burst in Diwali but they were also successful in building & setting up Country’s first emission testing facility for firecrackers.

CSIR – CECRI work involved around developing modified chemicals used in firecrackers at a firm based in Sivakasi. A commonly used component in firecracker is aluminum powder. Scientists noticed that by replacing it with magnesium and magnesium-based compounds crackers like flower pots released 25-30 percent less particulate matter (PM) compared to the traditional flower pots with the base as aluminum powder. Whereas the NEERI Scientists have The researchers at NEERI have developed an improvised eco-friendly version of what are called `bijli’ crackers.SWAS (safe water releaser), SAFAL

(safe minimum aluminum) and STAR (safe thermite cracker)n are the three prototypes developed which showed at least 30 – 35 percent reduction in particulate matter.

As per Harsh Vardhan, a demonstration of these novel eco friendly firecrackers was given to the manufacturers of traditional firecrackers and they received a positive response. Further Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) has to give a green signal for the same.

Advance research for the development of better versions of green crackers and also electronic-based crackers is being conducted at 6 different CSIR labs namely Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Central Leather Research Institute, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, National Chemical Laboratory, Industrial Toxicological Research Institute, and National Botanical Research Institute.

However, there are no updates on commercialization of these crackers, as to when it will in the markets. Hopefully, by Next Diwali these Green Crackers will on the shelves in the market. It would be a major change brought in by the government to curb the immense pollution caused by bursting crackers especially on festivals like Diwali.

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  1. I personally feel this research is not good for our environment because it is a sign of motivation for people to burst crackers whether they are eco- friendly or not. Rather this research, there should be a step to stop crackers bursting permanently. We all are responsible to create a beautiful and healthy environment or a worst environment. As a youth and a biotechnologist I am not appreciate with this research. Research should a beneficial for universe that’s why we learn in schools “science is a boon or a curse”. Research includes not only humans but it includes the world.

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