ASRB ICAR National Eligibility Test (NET-II) 2018 Notification
Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB) ICAR-NET (II) 2018 notification has been released. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the centres, prescribed educational qualifications, age limit, application fees, application procedure, instructions and more given below
This call expires in :
1. The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) will hold ICAR-NET (II)- 2018 Examination during 27.12.2018 to 31.12.2018 (which may be extended to January 2019 depending on the number of candidates) in Online mode at 34 Centres across India in a staggered slot-wise examination format as per the Rules and Scheme of Examination indicated in this notification. Online registration for the examination shall start from 10.00 hrs on 09.11.2018 till 17.00 hrs on 29.11.2018. Candidates are advised to read the notification carefully before filling the Online Application Form.
2. National Eligibility Test (NET) is a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for the position of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs). Candidates clearing the National Eligibility Test will be eligible to apply for the post of Lecturers or Assistant Professors in the
SAUs/AUs. NET certificates will be issued by the ASRB to the qualified candidates to enable them to apply against vacancies to be notified or advertised by the State Agricultural Universities/Agricultural Universities. SAUs/AUs will satisfy themselves with regard to the fulfilment of prescribed eligibility condition/criterion for requisite posts of Lecturers/ Assistant Professors including authenticity of the NET Certificate in the possession of the candidates.CENTRES:
The centres of ICAR-NET (II) – 2018 Examination where the examination will be conducted in Online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode are mentioned in APPENDIX-I. Candidates may select two (02) centres in order of their preference. The ASRB will make all efforts to allot preferred centre of the first choice. However, the Centres of Examination could be changed at the discretion of ASRB. Candidates must select the centre of examination carefully. No request for change of centre would be entertained at a later stage. There may be more than one venue at any/all centres depending upon the number of candidates.
A candidate must possess a Master’s degree or equivalent in the concerned Discipline and specialization completed on or before 31.12.2018 from any Indian University incorporated by an Act of Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or he/she must have qualification from a foreign University recognized as equivalent by the Government of India (Gol). The list of Disciplines and its prescribed educational qualifications are as given in APPENDIX – II.
A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years as on 01.07.2018. There is no upper age limit for the National Eligibility Test.
OBC candidates whose caste is not enlisted in Central List (as available on National Commission for Backward Classes website and who are not covered under the provisions as applicable to OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as General Category candidates for all purposes. Accordingly, OBC Candidates belonging to Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as ‘General’.
Transaction charges for Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFI’/ payment, as the case may be, will have to be borne by the candidate.
The fee must be paid online through the online application form available on the website: and only.
For Online payment: Payment can be made through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking from 10.00 hrs on 09.11.2018 till 17.00 hrs on 29.11.2018.
There is no restriction on the number of attempts for appearing in the National Eligibility Test.
The Detailed Plan of Examination is given in APPENDIX-III.
The Rules of Examination are given in APPENDIX-IV.
A candidate seeking admission to the Examination must apply online in the prescribed Application Form available on the website: and Important Instructions to the candidates for filling online application are given in Annexure-1.
A candidate must read the provisions, contained in this Notification for ICAR-NET (II)
– 2018 Examination carefully and abide by the same. A candidate must fulfil all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limit, educational qualifications, etc. prescribed for admission to the examination.
The online Application process will be opened from 10.00 Hrs on 09.11.2018 to 17.00 Hrs on 29.11.2018 after which the link will automatically get disabled.
i. Candidates must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination such as the qualification, discipline, age, category, etc. Their admission to the examination will be purely provisional. If at any stage, it is found that they do not fulfil all eligibility conditions; their candidature will be cancelled/ rejected and fee paid for examination will be forfeited.
ii. The candidates are not required to attach a copy of any of the documents /certificates in support of their candidature at the time of submission of online application. However, the candidates in their own interest must satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the test. In the event of any ineligibility being detected by the Board at any stage, including after declaration of result, their candidature shall be cancelled and they shall be liable for legal action.
iii. OBC candidates whose caste is not listed in Central List (as available on National Commission for Backward Classes website and who are not covered under the provisions as applicable to OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as General Category candidates for all purposes. Accordingly, OBC Candidates belonging to Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as ‘General’.
iv. In case the claim of candidates regarding Age, Educational Qualifications, Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Other Backward Class (OBC)/Divyang is found to be incorrect, it may render them liable to be disqualified by the Board and their candidature will stand cancelled.
v. Due care should be taken by the candidates to fill up their application form. No request for change in any field i.e., Centre of Examination, Discipline, Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender, e-mail Id, Mobile No., Phone No., Category, Medium of Examination etc. will be considered under any circumstances except bonafide spelling mistakes etc. Candidates are therefore advised to be very careful while filling up their application forms.
vi. In case multiple applications are received from a candidate, the latest application will only be considered, ignoring all earlier applications(s); without refunding /adjusting Application Fee received for the other Applications.
vii. No candidate will be allowed to take the examination unless he/she holds a certificate of admission for the examination. After downloading the Admission Certificate, check it carefully and bring discrepancies/errors, if any, to the notice of Controller of Examinations, ASRB, KAB – I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or email to [email protected] immediately.
viii. In the event of a candidate being issued more than one admission certificate from the Board, he/she should use only one of these Admission Certificates for appearing in the examination and inform about the same immediately to the Controller of Examinations, ASRB, KAB – I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or e-mail to [email protected].
ix. No request for withdrawal of candidature/application received from a candidate after he/she has submitted his/her application will be entertained.
x. The Admission Certificates would be made downloadable from the website: and only. Candidates are requested to visit the website: and regularly for updates. All the information related to the examination will be uploaded/ updated on this website only. No other form of communication will be used for the issue of admission certificates.
xi. In case of any discrepancy (spelling or surname etc.) in name or father’s name of the candidate, he/she will be required to submit an original affidavit indicating the discrepancy and certifying the correct name along with other supporting documents at the time of their submission.
xii. The applicants are advised to regularly check the e-mail provided in the Application Form for update(s)/ information/ communication with regard to the Examination. They must check the spam/junk/inbox/trash folders also of the mailbox. They are also advised to save the e-mail [email protected] in contacts of their e-mail account so as the e-mails with attachments sent by this email I.D. do not go to the spam folder.
xiii. Syllabus for ICAR-NET (II) – 2018 Examination is available on the Syllabus Link on ASRB’s website:
ASRB’s website: ➔ NET/ARS Notifications / Other Instructions ➔ Syllabus for various disciplines ( ).
xiv. All communications in respect of an application made for this Examination should be addressed to the Controller of Examinations, ASRB, KAB – I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or e-mail to [email protected] and should invariably contain the following particulars:-
1. Name and year of Examination- ICAR-NET (II) – 2018
2. Name of candidate (In full and in Capital letters)
3. Registration No.
4. Centre of Examination
5. Roll No. (If communicated)
6. E-mail id (as indicated in the Application Form)
7. Telephone/Mobile number
Note: – Communication received without proper mention of the above particulars will not be entertained.
xv. Please note that carrying Mobile Phones/Bluetooth devices/ pagers or any other electronic communication device is absolutely prohibited in the Examination Centre premises. Any infringement of this instruction can lead to disqualification. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of these item(s) to the Examination venue since the provision for their safekeeping cannot be assured. The candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the Examination Venue. The Board will not be responsible for any loss incurred due to non-adherence of these instructions.
xvi. The ICAR-NET (IT) – 2018 Examination will be conducted in Online mode at the designated Centres. The answers are to be indicated on the Computer itself during the Examination.
xvii. In case of any discrepancy between English and Hindi versions of the information, the English version as available on the Website of the Board will be treated as final.
xviii. This notification including Online Application shall be available on ASRB’s Website: and
xix. The candidates are required to bring along the original of any of the valid Photo Identity Card like Voter Card/ Aadhar Card/ Passport/ Driver’s License/ PAN card apart from the Admission Certificate to be issued by ASRB, at the time they appear for the Examination. Please note, that in case the candidate does not present the original of the Identity Card at the registration desk at the centre, he/she will not be allowed to take the examination under any circumstances.
xx. The decision of the Board as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.
xxi. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any means may disqualify him from admission to the examination.
xxii. A candidate who has been declared by the Board guilty of impersonation or for online submitting wrong/incorrect/misleading/false information or for submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or for making statements which are incorrect or false or for suppressing material information or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining admission to the examination, or for using or attempting to use unfair means or for misbehaviour or misconduct in the examination hall, may, in addition to rendering himself be liable to criminal prosecution:
a) Be debarred permanently or for a specified period.
• By the Board, from admission to any examination or appearance at an interview held by the Board for selection of candidates and
• By the Indian Council of Agricultural Research from Employment under them
b) Will be liable to disciplinary action under the appropriate rules if he/she is already in service under Government/ Indian Council of Agricultural Research/ State Agricultural Universities/ Other Agricultural Universities etc.
The last date for filling up of online application form is 17.00 hrs on 29.11.2018.
View Notification Below
Editor’s Note: ASRB ICAR NET-II 2018, ASRB ICAR national eligibility test (NET-II) 2018, agricultural scientists recruitment board (ASRB) ICAR-NET (II) 2018 notification, ICAR-NET II ASRB 2018 notification. Make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and also check out the Podcast we have for free listen on SoundCloud.