Six Months Project Internship/Training Programme Opportunity @ NIAB
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Six Months Project Internship/Training Programme Opportunity @ NIAB

The notification for the Project Internship/Post-graduate Training Programme/ Project
Work/ Dissertation Work: for Six Months at NIAB has been relased. All of the details on the eligbility, application procedure, important dates to remember and such has been given below:

This call expires in :

-2317Days -3Hours -27Minutes -18Seconds


Advertisement No. 15/2018
Seeking Application for Project Internship/Post-graduate Training Programme/ Project Work/ Dissertation Work: for Six Months at NIAB

The Institute provides opportunities for excellent students to carry out project work under the supervision of the Institute’s scientists towards partial fulfilment of their undergraduate/postgraduate degrees (of at least SIX months’ duration; session I: January-June; Session II: July -December). Following procedure ought to be followed by interested students.

Students that are pursuing an undergraduate/master degree (e.g. B. Tech, MSc, MVSc, MTech, integrated master students, etc. in their final year) may apply.

The request must come from the Head of Department and have to provide the academic resumes of the recommended student(s) clearly specifying percentage marks obtained at various levels as well as the subjects covered, in addition to the period of proposed project work. Candidate will be chosen based on his/her expertise and the need for

NIAB research. The committee decision will be final and not subject to any legal issues.

Applicants should mention their broad area of interest in the application form but the distribution of Laboratory is going to be based on the requirement of individual PIs.

Applications for January-June session will be accepted from 1st September to 15th October and application for July-December Session will be accepted from 1st March to 15th April.

Just selected students will be informed by 30th October for January-June session and by 30th April for July-December Session. Late applications won’t be considered.

How to Apply:

Applications can be sent to the following email address: [email protected]. The subject line must mention ‘Six month Trainee application for January-June Session / July-December Session’. This has to be followed with a hard copy of application sent to Senior Manager, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Servey No. 37, Opp. Journalist Colony, Near Gowlidoddi, Extended Q City Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, PIN: 500 032.

Interested applicants can apply, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT mentioned below.

The Institute won’t offer any lodging at the campus. The trainee may make his/her own Arrangements for accommodation, boarding and travelling during the length of the work.

There are no fixed numbers available annually however, requests are considered on the basis of available vacancies

Application Format PDF

Application Format Word

View Notification Below

Editor’s Note: Project Internship/Post-graduate Training Programme/ Project
Work/ Dissertation Work, NIAB Training, NIAB Internship, NIAB Project Training, NIAB Dissertation work. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter for more such opportunities and also follow us on all of our social media.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. what are oppurtunities after btech biotechnology can i enter directly to research field or should i have phd for that kindly inform me about all the details

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