INSPIRE Fellowship Scheme 2018 By Department of Science and Technology
The official notification for the INSPIRE Faculty Award Scheme – “Assured Opportunity for
Research Career (AORC)” has been released. Indian nationals who are young researchers are eligible to apply for the INSPIRE Faculty Award Scheme Session II (July 2018). Check out all of the details on the same below:
This call expires in :
INSPIRE Faculty Scheme: a component of “Assured Opportunity for Research
Career (AORC)” under INSPIRE
Call for Applications – July 2018 (Session – II)
Applications/Nominations for the session July 2018 are Encouraged for INSPIRE Faculty Award. INSPIRE Faculty Award Scheme opens an “Assured Opportunity for Research Career (AORC)” for young researchers in the age group of 27-32 years. The upper age limit according to 01 July 2018 is 32 years for General Category and 35 years for SC and ST candidates only.
- Eligible applicants, either in Direct (A) or Nomination (B) manner, should apply just through online. Please see the site: and follow the procedure prescribed therein. After submission of online application, the candidate should get a printout of this application thus submitted for their records only. The final date for ONLINE submission of application is 31st August 2018.
- Use of more than one Mode will call for rejection of the application.
- Detailed Guidelines of this part can be found at the Websites: and
The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, has established the “Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)” [] program in 2008. The program aims to attract talent for the study of science and professions with research. INSPIRE contains many elements. INSPIRE Faculty Scheme offers a contractual research awards for young achievers and the possibility for individual research in the near term and emerge as a future leader in the long run.
A) Essential Qualification
- Indian citizens as well as people of Indian origin such as NRI/PIO status with PhD (in science, math, engineering, pharmacy, medicine, and agriculture-related topics ) from any recognized university in the world,
- Candidates will have minimum 60 percent ( or equivalent CGPA) marks during his/her academic profile beginning from Higher Secondary examination( class 12 onwards).
- People who have submitted their PhD Theses and are anticipating the award of this degree will also be eligible. However, the award will be conveyed only after verification of this awarding the PhD degree.
- The upper age limit as on 1 st July 2018 ought to be 32 years to get considering assistance for a period of five years. But for SC and ST candidates, upper age limitation will be 35 years.
- Publication(s) in highly reputed Journals displaying research potential of this candidate.
- Candidates that are employed in regular/contractual position within India may apply for INSPIRE Faculty Award towards enhancement and improvement of their career prospects but upon selection, the candidate should resign (no lien or deputation or any sort of leave will be approved ) from the present job and business for the implementation of INSPIRE Faculty Award.
- Candidates that are in top 1 percent at the School Leaving Exam, IIT-JEE rank, 1st Rank Holder either in graduation or post-graduation degree university examination (that can be used now for identifying INSPIRE Scholars at under-graduate degree and INSPIRE Fellows for doctoral degree).
B) Mode of Application:
- 2 paths i.e. Direct, Nomination are offered for applying by the qualified candidates,
- Nominees, who wish to apply Direct or Nomination manner, may apply just online. Detailed guidelines are available on the site: www.inspire- for information. To apply online, please see the site: and follow the procedure prescribed therein. After submission of application through online, the candidate can get a print of this application thus submitted for personal use only.
- Nominations from academic institutions or Industry R&D via Vice-Chancellors/ Directors of Institutions/ Head of Institutions/ Presidents and Fellows of Science Academies or Eminent Scientists from India and Abroad based on personal understanding. Nominations to be sent to Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi.
- The eligible candidate who wants themselves to be considered in”Direct (A)‟ or Nominated (B)‟ route, can fill out the online application via the internet portal address given above for consideration.
C) Method of Choice
- Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi in coordination with DST will be implementing such an INSPIRE Faculty Scheme as much as the selection of candidates for awarding INSPIRE Faculty Award.
- A three-tier selection procedure i.e. Discipline-based Expert Committee in the event of applicants under’Direct‟ and’Nomination‟ modes that are followed by selection through Apex Level Committee. Eventually, INSPIRE Faculty Council chooses the candidates in the 2 modes.
- Discipline-wise committees of INSA would assess and screen the candidates that apply on Direct and Nominated Routes with no assistance from host-institutions.
- The Apex Committee shall eventually pick short-listed candidates for offering INSPIRE Faculty Award under this Scheme and conclusion of the Apex Committee for picking candidates within this Scheme will likewise be considered at the INSPIRE Faculty Council whose decision is final to provide INSPIRE Faculty Offer.
- Candidates, who haven’t identified host institutions in the time of the application, should do this quickly after their final choice. All selected candidates ought to acquire the INSPIRE Faculty Award over 3 months of the final choice.
d) Amount & Duration of every INSPIRE Faculty position
- Each chosen INSPIRE Faculty shall be eligible to be given a consolidated amount of Rs.80,000/- pm. Moreover, a Research Grant of Rs 7 lakh annually for 5 years will also be provided to each successful candidate.
- The INSPIRE Faculty Award is for a maximum period of 5 (five) years.
- Every INSPIRE Faulty Awardee will be governed according to guidelines available at the site: and Candidates Will Need to See the sites and read the instructions for reference prior to applying in INSPIRE Faculty Award scheme.
- In the event the INSPIRE Faculty finds a permanent position throughout the tenure of this place, the Fellowship amount will likely be stopped from the day the INSPIRE Faculty joins in permanent position but he/she may continue with the INSPIRE Faculty Scheme availing Research Grant for its remaining time to carry out research in the new position.
- The INSPIRE Faculty is qualified to apply for any aggressive grant from financing agencies throughout the tenure of their INSPIRE Faculty position.
e) Functions and prerequisites of Host Institutions
- Host institutions must be encouraged to provide a congenial atmosphere for the awardees to excel in their own work and should see them as potential assets for faculty development.
- Under no circumstances that the “INSPIRE Faculty” Award is renewable after 5 years. Host-institutions are anticipated to think about “INSPIRE Faculty” for permanent places in due course, subject to fulfilling institutions performance evaluation criteria.
- Under nomination manner, In-breeding by host-institution is usually not encouraged. Nonetheless, in the event host-institutions are willing to nominate their own PhD students under this Scheme, particular justifications and dedication for the growth of individual directions of research must be clearly delineated.
- Accessibility to all common infrastructural facilities, suitable lab and office area (independently or shared foundation ), computing, library access, etc.,
- Info on if desired new areas/directions of research are being introduced by means of this scheme,
- Data on if the INSPIRE Faculty will be permitted to oversee PhD students, employ research fellows, independently or together with a permanent faculty member
f) Last date:
Eligible students picking ‘Direct Mode’ or ‘Nomination Mode’ should apply online just in the prescribed format before or on 31 August 2018.
View Notification Below
Editor’s Note: inspire faculty scheme 2018, july 2018 inspire faculty scheme, inspire faculty scheme session ii, assured opportunity for research career 2018, aorc july 2018, inspire aorc july 2018. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter – a free subscription service that you can sign up for just the one time. You can also follow us on all of our social media like Twitter and Facebook.
Its INSPIRE Faculty Scheme, Not Fellowship Scheme
Hello Mam ,
i completed my Post Graduation in organic chemistry and i am searching fellowship for the Ph.D academic% is overall 1st division and i am inspire SHE scholar last time.
So please suggest me a better fellowship for continuing my study