ICMR JRF 2018 Notification - Exam Date, Eligibility & Application Details
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ICMR JRF 2018 Notification – Exam Date, Eligibility & Application Details

Check out the official notification for the ICMR’s Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) 2018. Check the eligibility, syllabus, how to to apply and more below. A total of 150 fellowships is available in Biosciences. The website will be updated in due course of time and you will be able to apply online for the same. Check Biotecnika for more updates.

Notice: Last Date for online submission (extended) to May 22, 2018

This call expires in :

-2460Days -14Hours -8Minutes -14Seconds


Indian Council of Medical Research
V.Ramalingaswami Bhawan,
Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911, New Delhi-110029

Test for ICMR’s Junior Research Fellowship
Notification- 2018


The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in collaboration with Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research(PGIMER), Chandigarh will hold a National level examination for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), for Indian national candidates at Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Srinagar (J&K) and Varanasi on Sunday, July 22,2018.

A total of 150 Fellowships would be awarded. [120 fellowships in the field of Biomedical Sciences with emphasis on Life Sciences (like microbiology, physiology,
molecular biology, genetics, human biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, immunology, pharmacology, zoology, botany, environmental sciences and veterinary

Medicine (excluding Agriculture extension/ Soil Sciences, etc) and thirty fellowships for the work with emphasis on Social Sciences like psychology, sociology, home science, statistics anthropology, social work, public health/health economics (agriculture economics will not be considered)]

(I-i) Two separate merit lists, one comprising the candidates qualifying for life sciences and the second for those candidates qualifying for social sciences, will be made on the basis of their performance in the above test.

(I-ii) The candidates selected for the JRF programme of ICMR would be permitted to enroll themselves for the Ph.D. programme of any University recognised by the UGC/MCI. However, the JRF programme would not have any connection with the Ph.D. programme. The validity of fellowship awarded to a candidate will be six months.

Another 100 candidates would be selected for consideration for positions of JRF under various research schemes of ICMR (subject to fulfilling the conditions for appointment under the schemes) for the duration of that scheme. These JRFs would also be permitted to complete Ph.D. while working in the scheme, if enrolled.  The validity of result will be two years for placement in ICMR funded projects.

SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped (PH) applicants will be given such special consideration as per policy guidelines. Candidates qualifying for the award of JRF will receive fellowship from ICMR.


Educational Qualification: MSc/MA or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC candidates and 50% for the SC/ST & Physically Handicapped (PH) and Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates in the subjects mentioned above. Candidates appearing in the final year examination (2017-2018) can also apply

Age Limit: The upper age limit for admission to the eligibility test is 28 years as on
30-09-2018 (relaxable up to five years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/
VH/female candidates and three years in the case of OBC.

All disputes relating to the conduct of the examination or any matter connected with
this advertisement shall be dealt in the jurisdiction of National Capital Territory of Delhi

Method of Selection:

Scheme of Test

The test will consist of one paper of 2 hours duration. The paper will consist of 2 Sections. The Aptitude Section (Section A) will have 50 questions on (i) scientific phenomenon in everyday life; (ii) general knowledge in sciences; and (iii) common statistics. All these questions would be compulsory with each question carrying 1 mark. The subject Specific Section (Section B & C) would pertain to (B) Life Sciences and (C) Social Science. The candidate may attempt questions in either of the two areas. Each area of section B & C would have 100 questions and the candidate may attempt any 75 questions in the predesigned area of Section B or C. Candidates are required to indicate the option for Section B or C in the application form too.

Each question carries one mark. Negative marking @ 0.25 will be made for each of the wrong answer. The questions in both the sections would appear in English only.

The final result will be based on aggregate of 55 % marks obtained in both the sections for General category and OBC and 50% for SC/ST and physically handicapped.

The test will be held in the following streams: (1) Aptitude test (common for all) (2) Life Sciences (3) Social Sciences. Subjects covered under Life Sciences include microbiology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, human nutrition, human biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics, immunology, pharmacology,  zoology, environmental sciences, botany, veterinary science and bio-informatics. Subjects covered under Social Sciences include psychology, sociology, home sciences, statistics, anthropology, social work and health economics..

How To Apply

Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the admission notice published in the advertisement in various Newspapers and the instructions given therein carefully.  Fill in the application form according to the instructions given in this prospectus and the admission notice.  Incomplete applications will not be considered and no correspondence will be entertained.

Fee: ₹ 1000/- (General/OBC) & ₹ 800/- (SC/ST/PH/VH)

Information bulletin/brochure, online application form and other details will be
available at both PGIMER, Chandigarh website http://pgimer.edu.in and ICMR, New
Delhi website: www.icmr.nic.in. Candidates may visit the websites w.e.f.12.04.2018.
The last date for filling of online application is 15.05.2018. Only online application will
be accepted, no other mode of submission of application will be accepted.

Important Instructions:

  1. Read the instructions on this page carefully and Click on the Apply Now button at the bottom of this page.
  2. Fill in the required information and enter a password of your choice. Please note that this password along with the Application number generated will be used to login and complete your registration process.
  3. Candidate Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Email ID and Mobile number once submitted cannot be changed.
  4. Your registered Mobile number may be used to send SMS communication
  5. The email id and mobile number that you enter in the registration form will be treated as your primary contact details and all communications will be sent to the same.
  6. On successful registration, an email will be sent to the registered email id along with the application number. Login to the website using your unique Application number and password.
  7. Fill in the remaining details i.e. educational qualification.
  8. Upload your scanned photograph and signature in jpg/jpeg format only and other relevant documents in jpg/jpeg/pdf format only. File size of the Photograph should be between 15kb to 50kb, Signature should be between 5kb to 20kb and that of other certificates / documents should be between 50kb to 300kb. The online application system will not allow to upload files smaller/larger than the mentioned sizes.
  9. Online Application form filling starts on – 12th April 2018
  10. Last date for online submission of application form – 15th May 2018
  11. Application Fee payment can be made through SBI Online Collect or at any branch of State Bank of India.
  12. Application Fee payment can be made on the second working day of submission of the Online Application form and generating the Bank Challan.
  13. Application Fee payable for ICMR JRF Course is as follows :
    • General/OBC candidates: Rs.1000/- + Applicable Bank Charges
    • SC / ST / PH / VH candidates: Rs.800/- + Applicable Bank Charges
  14. Last date for making Application Fee payment – 18th May 2018
  15. Summary is displayed along with the total amount payable. Click on the “Proceed to Make Payment” link, you have to select one of the two payment options. If you select SBI Collect, you will be redirected to the State Bank of India website.
    • Fill the required information on the State Bank of India website i.e. Application Number, Name, Date of Birth, category etc. and make the payment towards application fee.
    • On successful payment, a transaction number (e.g. DUxxxxxxx where xxxxxxx will be numeric digits) will be displayed on the bank website. Please note this number for future reference. If, in case, the transaction number is not displayed, your transaction is not successful.
    • Payment made will be updated in the website within 24-48hrs.
    • Login after 24-48hrs of making the payment and take a print of your application form for your future reference.
  16. Alternately if you select payment through SBI bank challan, a bank challan will be generated with your details. Please take a print and deposit the fee at any branch of State bank of India. Please retain the PGI and Candidate Copy of the challan. The payment will be updated within 24 to 48 hrs and you may login after 24 to 48 hrs to confirm and take a print out of the completed Application form.

Important Dates:


View Notification

Notice: Last Date for online submission (extended) to May 22, 2018

Apply Online

Editor’s Note: icmr notification, icmr’s junior research fellowship 2018 notification, icmr jrf fellowship 2018, icmr jrf 2018, jrf 2018, icmr fellowship 2018. Please ensure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and that you are following us on all of our social media.

Diluxi Arya
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  1. Sir i have completed my graduation with 61.5% marks. Sir please tell me i am eligible or not for ICMR JRF 2018 Entrance Test. Please tell me on my mobile number – 9837154565

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