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DST Women Scientist Scheme – A (WOS-A) : Applications Invited

Official Notification for DST Women Scientist Scheme – A (WOS-A). DST Women Scientist Scheme – A (WOS-A) application are open throughout the year. DST Women Scientist Scheme – A (WOS-A) notification for 2018, which will be open throughout the year. Life sciences candidates are eligible for DST Women Scientist Scheme – A (WOS-A) as per the details given below:

Women Scientists Scheme-A (WOS-A) provides platform to women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and engineering. The scheme plays pivotal role in gender mainstreaming as it not only prevents brain drain from S&T system but also train and retain women in the system. The scheme initially offers opportunity to work as bench-level scientists and ultimately open new avenues for permanent position in Science & Technology.

Scientific Disciplines:

The support available in 5 disciplines under WOS-A namely,

i) Physical & Mathematical Sciences (PMS),
ii) Chemical Sciences (CS),
iii) Life Sciences (LS),
iv) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS), and
v) Engineering Technology (ET)

Support : This scheme will provide a research grant with an upper limit of Rs. 30 lakh (for Ph.D. or equivalent)), Rs. 25 lakh (for

M.Tech/M.Pharm or equivalent) and Rs. 20 lakh (for M.Sc. or equivalent) for a well-defined R&D project proposal for a period of three years. This grant will include the fellowship of the applicant and cost of small equipments, contingencies, travel, consumables etc. Institutional overhead charges will be extra.


1. Persons already in employment need not apply.

2. Women scientists, less than 27 years of age are not eligible.

3. Women scientists, with a minimum of Post Graduate degree, equivalent to M.Sc. in Basic or Applied Sciences or B.Tech. or MBBS or other equivalent professional qualifications, are eligible for this scheme. The amount of fellowship for such candidates will be Rs. 30,000/- PM.

4. Women scientists, with M.Tech. or MD/MS, DM/MCH in Medical Sciences from recognized Universities can also apply. The amount of fellowship for such candidates will be Rs.40,000/- PM.

5. Women scientists having Ph.D. Degree in Basic or Applied Sciences will be entitled for fellowship of Rs.55,000/- PM.

6. Age relaxation of 5 years would be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and physically challenged category.

Last Date of Application : The Scheme is open throughout the year. Therefore, there is no last date of application.

Procedure for Applying : Only online submission of Project Proposal is allowed in WOS-A

Click Here to Apply Online

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