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Newton-Bhabha PhD Placement Programme (2017-18)

About the Programme:

On behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, India and the Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy, UK, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the Department of Science and Technology (DST), India and British Council- India, and are pleased to invite applications for funding to support short-term PhD placements between Indian and UK institutions.

It is the fourth consecutive year Newton Fund India in partnership with DST and DBT is offering opportunity for the UK and Indian PhD scholars to spend a period of their study (2 to 4 months) in Indian and UK higher education institutions taking place between March to December 2018.


The programme is envisaged to:

  • Develop individual capacity through international training and development opportunities.
  • Increase the number of highly trained researchers in the UK and India with international experience, able to contribute to the absorptive capacity for research and innovation and thus bring about economic and social benefits.
  • Build cultural understanding, and foster long-term sustainable research collaborations.
  •  Develop international joint training pathways.
  • Increase awareness of the research strengths of the UK and India


In India, The scheme is open only for Indian scholars enrolled at Indian higher education institution with following criteria:

  1. INSPIRE PhD Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) of Batch 2014 are eligible to apply for a STEM and Life Sciences subject.
  2. PhD Scholar (other than INSPIRE Fellows) who have qualified through national level test and are pursuing PhD in mid second or third year of Life sciences are eligible to apply. These scholars will be funded by DBT.

In UK, The scheme is open only for UK scholars pursuing their PhD at a UK higher education institution. (Please see list of eligible institutions under downloads section)

Please refer to call guidelines for full details of eligibility criteria.

Costs Covered:

  • Visa fee, Economy class international airfares and overseas medical insurance incurred by PhD scholars.
  • In-country costs including accommodation and stipend for PhD scholars

Priority Sectors

Applications are invited in STEM and Life Sciences subjects including the Grand Challenges areas and underpinning capabilities identified by the UK-India Task Force on Science and Innovation, which are:

  • Biological and Medical sciences – This includes Life sciences, Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, Micro biology, Bio chemistry, Medicine , Pharma and Veterinary Sciences
  • Engineering and Physical sciences – This includes Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Physical Mathematics, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Big data and Manufacturing
  • Environment Food and Agriculture sciences
  • Public health and well being


The application should be submitted by PhD scholar with endorsement from both the sending and receiving Head of Department and supervisors with the latter’s confirmation that they will host the PhD scholars; duration of the stay and level of bench fees if they charge (bench fees is applicable only for UK host Universities)

UK applicants apply here

Indian applicants apply here

The deadline for receipt of applications is 21st August 2017 16:00 hrs UK time. The announcement of the selection results will be made by 7th November 2017.

N.B: Candidates applying in Life Sciences from India should submit hard copy of uploaded form with supporting documents to DBT as detailed in contact points at S. No. 10



  • For DBT – India

Dr. Sanjay Kalia
Email ID – [email protected]

  • For DST – India

Dr S Mallikarjun Babu
Email ID – [email protected]

  • For British Council India

Purti Kohli
Email ID – [email protected]

Important Links:

Key Dates:

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Diluxi Arya
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