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Advt. No. WII/WFC/ 06/2013
Wildlife Institute of India
(An Autonomous Institution of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India

WALK – IN – INTERVIEW for engaging Forensic Biologist & Forensic
Researcher on temporary basis

The Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun invites application for Walk-in-interview for
engaging Project Associate (1) & Forensic Researcher (3) for the “Wildlife Forensic and
Conservation Genetics (WFCG) Cell” purely on temporary basis for a period of one
year. The EQ, DQ and other details of these positions are provided below :

Position 1

Engagement Positions : Forensic Biologist (One position)

Work Description : The job involves assistance in R&D work of WFCG Cell and analysis of case samples under the supervision of PI and Nodal Officer of the Cell.

Essential Qualification (EQ) : Ph.D. in Zoology/Wildlife Science/Genetics/ Forensics/ Life Sciences relevant to wildlife and molecular biology research

Desirable Qualification (DQ) : Post Ph.D. research experience in a reputed institute/laboratory. Preference will be given to candidate who will be having working knowledge of wildlife research methodologies and forensic applications using morphological and/or DNA based species identification.

Emoluments : Rs. 36,000/- + HRA

Age : Not exceeding 40 years as on the date

of interview.

Duration : One year

Position 2

Engagement Positions : Forensic Researcher (Three position)

Work Description : The job involves assistance in R&D work of WFCG Cell and analysis of case samples under the supervision of PI and Nodal Officer of the Cell.

Essential Qualification (EQ) : Minimum of 60% marks in M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Forensic Science/Wildlife Science/Life Sciences

Desirable Qualification (DQ) : Post M.Sc. research experience in a reputed institute/laboratory. Preference will be given to candidate who will be having working knowledge of wildlife research methodologies and forensic applications using morphological and/or DNA based species identification.

Emoluments : Rs. 25,000/- + HRA

Age : Not exceeding 32 years as on the date of interview.

Duration : One year

How to Apply :

The candidate should report by 0930 hrs for scrutiny of documents on 29 May,
2017 followed by an Interview on the same day at 1100 hrs. The Institute will not
provide accommodation for candidates appearing for the interview.

  Download Application Form

General Conditions

2. Candidates should bring the duly filled-in application with attested true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications research experience, along with certificate of extracurricular activities, date of birth, mark sheets of all examinations etc. All original documents/certificates must be produced at the time of registration for necessary verification.

3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

4. The application form can be downloaded from the Institute’s website www.wii.gov.in

The Director WII, reserves the right to reject candidature of any applicant if found incomplete or misrepresentation of facts provided by the candidate.

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