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Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi – 110003.
Advertisement No. 01/01/2017 – P. III

Applications are invited from Indian citizens for filling up of Six (06) posts of Scientists on Direct Recruitment basis in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Proper) and Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) as per details given below:

(a) One (01) Post of Scientist – ‘D’ in Level -12, Rs. 78,800- 2,09,200 of Pay Matrix of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

Post No. 4/ZSI – (Invertebrate) RESERVED FOR PH- (VH/HH/OH)

Essential Educational Qualification

Master’s Degree in Zoology/Marine Biology/Environmental Science/Bio-technology from a Recognized University/Institute with 7 years experience in research in an academic institution or scientific and technological organization after possessing the minimum educational qualification required for the post.


Doctorate in Zoology/Marine Biology/Environmental Science/Bio-technology from a Recognized University/Institute with 4 years experience in research in an academic institution or scientific and technological organization after possessing the minimum educational qualification required for the post

Area of Experience : Protozoa/ Sponges/ Anne I ida/Helminthes/ Mollusca/ Arthropoda/Echinodermata/Fishs/ Amphibia/Rep tiles/Birds/Mammals with special reference to Systematic, Morphology and Ecology of animals.

(b) Two (02) Posts of Scientist – ‘C’ n Level -11, Rs. 67700-208700 of Pay Matrix of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

Post No. 5/ZSI- (Invertebrate) [UR-01]
Post No. 6/ZSI- (Vertebrate) [UR-01]

Essential Qualification : Master’s Degree in Zoology/Marine Biology/Environmental Science/Bio-technology from a Recognized University/Institute with 3 years experience in Taxonomy, Morphology, Ecology and Zoo-Geography of animals from an industrial or academic institution or scientific and technological organization after possessing the minimum educational qualification required for the post.
Doctorate in Zoology/Marine Biology/Environmental Science/Bio-technology

Duties and Job Requirements (for Post No.4/ZSI to 6/ZSI) :

(i) Research in Taxonomy, Morphology, Ecology and Zoo-Geography of animals under his/her charge;
(ii) Supervision and co-ordination of work in different scientific sections under the respective Divisions;
(iii) Helping the Director in administration matters.

Place of Posting (for Post No.4/ZSI to 6/ZSI) : ZSI, Kolkata or anywhere in India.

Age Limit : The upper age limit for the posts of Scientist ‘C’ is 35 years, and for Scientist ‘D’ is 40 years. The Age limit is relaxable by five (05) years for Government Servants. For SC/ST /OBC/Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen, age limit is relaxable as per rules. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates in India (and not the closing date prescribed for those from abroad and for those in Assam, Megahalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh division of the Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, the Andman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep).

How to Apply :

Applications should reach the Section Officer (P.III), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, 1st Floor, Block- Prithvi, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi – 110 003 latest by 19th June, 2017.

Applications from abroad and from those in the Andman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, State/Union Territories in the North Eastern Region, Ladakh division of the Jammu & Kashmir State, Sikkim, Pangi Sub-division of Chamba, Lahaul & Spiti Districts of Himachal Pradesh should reach latest by 04th July 2017.

Download Application Form Here





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