School of Computational & Integrative Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110067, INDIA
The following posts are urgently required to be filled for the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India funded project jointly running with IIIT-Hyderabad & JNU, entitled “Computational Core for Plant Metabolomics” administrated by Prof Indira Ghosh, School of Computational and Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110 067.
NB : For all the posts, preference will be given to candidates with a good knowledge of Python and/or R in UNIX platform , knowledge of JAVA will also get a special consideration.
Position 1 : RA / Research Associate (Metabolic engineering/Computational Biologist)
Salary : Rs. 36000/- + HRA
Vacancy : 1
Essential Qualifications : PhD in Bioinformatics /Mathematics/Computer Science with experience in analyzing high throughput omics-based data/Analysis of Network Biology/Chemoinformatics/Computational Biology related Software development. Published paper in the field is a must to prove the experience. Special consideration will be given if have experience in Industry, teaching & product development.
Desired Skills: Prior experience in handling and guiding bioinformatics, metabolomics data, planning of new research area in metabolic driven network , collaborating with industry , preparing and filing reports etc. Will be expected to communicate with
user groups and coordinate with LIMS group in Hyderabad and the Cheminformatics group in Delhi.Position 2 : Project SRF (Network model building/Systems biology integration)
Salary*: Rs.18000/- + HRA
Vacancy : 1
Essential Qualifications : M.Tech in Computational Biology with project experience or Masters / B.Tech in Basic Sciences with at least 2yrs of research experience in Bioinformatics/Mathematical Model building using Computational Biology tools & related Database / Network analysis etc. For M.Sc/B.Tech, Published paper in peer-reviewed Journal whereas for M.Tech, the degree obtained in computational biology is a must.
Desired Skills : Will be expected to manage ongoing research activities in LIMS, interact with LIMS group, build network model using data compiled by experimentalist, prepare and file reports and associated project work etc. Familiarity with plant systems biology and genomics /metabolite resources related to plant metabolomics is desirable.
Position 3 : Project JRF (Programming & data integration )
Salary*: Rs.16000/- + HRA
Vacancy : 1
Essential Qualifications : M.Tech in Computational Biology with project experience or B.Tech in Computer Science with at least project experience related to Database /portal building & maintenance , high throughput data handling and experience in Cloud computing ,Data analysis etc.
Desired Skills : Will be expected to manage ongoing research activities in LIMS, interact with LIMS group to integrate modules develop at JNU, manage the project portal, prepare and file reports and associated project work etc.
For the position #1 the candidates who have submitted thesis are allowed to APPLY, however salary will be provided as per DBT/DST guidelines. For SRF, those already have fellowship or are registered for PhD need not apply.
* Revised emoluments will be given ONLY on providing Post Graduate Degree in Professional Courses or NET qualifications as per DST/DBT regulation 2014.
All the above posts are purely temporary and liable to be terminated at any time without prior notice or ceased/withdrawn by the funding agency, present last date of the project is Sept25th. 2017.
Selected candidates for Interview (tentative 15th May) will be informed through email ONLY.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper or via email with their current CV and filling up as per the format enclosed here:
1. The post applied for must be clearly written on the Envelope containing the application or under subject: (if via email)
2. Applications received after last date shall not be entertained, School will not be responsible for any postal delay.
3. No application will be accepted via hand delivery.
Please send printed & signed applications by post to the following address:
E mail : [email protected]
Or , post it to:
Prof Indira Ghosh, room #12
Project Investigator, (CCPM)
School of Computational and Integrative Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110 067.
Last Date: May 6th 2017