(ADV. NO. I MRIIQ/ADMN.1/2016-17/02)
Indian Council of Medical Research, an Autonomous Organization under Dept. of Health Research, M/o Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India invites online applications up to 15th May, 2017 till 5.30 p.m from Indian nationals to fill up vacancies of Scientist in different grades for Head quarters Office at New Delhi as per details given below:
Post Code : 4( I) – Scientist-C
Essential Qualification, Experience:-
First class Master’s degree in Life Sciences from recognized University plus 4 years R & D/teaching experience in the relevant subject after 1 st class Master’s degree.
Second class M. Sc in Life Science + Ph. D degree in the relevant subject from a recognized University plus 4 years R & D/teaching experience in the relevant subject after M. Sc+ Ph.D.
Desirable :
(i) Additional Post doctoral research/teaching experience m relevant subjects in recognized institutes(s)
(ii) Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tolls/Data Management
Job Requirement:
To assist the Head, Division of Human Resource Planning and Development ( HRD) of the ICMR Hqrs. in various programmes like processing of applications of Fellowships (]RF/PDF/Visiting Fellow, ICMR Chairs, etc.) and proposal for financial support
to researchers for MD/MS thesis, Travel grant to non-ICMR scientists for attending international conferences, etc., grants-in-aid for organizing national/international seminars, symposia, etc as also ICMR Awards and Prizes.NOTE: Ph.D in the relevant subject shall be treated equivalent to three years experience.
Post Code : 4(2) – Scientist-C
Essential Qualification & Experience:
First Class Master’s degree in Life Science from a recognized University 4 year R&D / teaching experience in the relevant subject.
Second Class Master’s and Ph.D. Degree in Life Science from a recognized University 4 year R&D / teaching experience in relevant subject.
Desirable Qualification :
(i) At least 2 years post Doc experience in biomedical subject particularly in health research related areas. Working experience in the area of Publication, Editing, copy editing, vetting, report writing, drafting guidelines, Status report, health data analysis, etc.
(ii) Experience in extension education and outreach activities including involvement in mass media, social and print media as well as other public relation and image building activities.
(iii) Knowledge of computer applications or business intelligence tools/data management/data synthesis
(iv) Report writing, policy briefs, interacting with media
Job Requirement :
- Assist in various 1CMR publications, documents, reports and briefs as per requirement
- Edit and proof-read documents
- Prepare reports and research papers
- Involve in science popularization activities & help in preparing attractive, use full IEC material
- Support & assists Head P&1 in various Divisional Activities.
Note : Ph.D in the relevant subject shall be treated equivalent to three years experience.
Post Code: 4(3) – Scientist-C
Essential Qualification & Experience:
1st class Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular biology, immunology and genetics research in clinically relevant areas from a recognized university plus 4 years R & D /teaching experience in the relevant subject after 1st Class Master’s Degree.
Second class M. Sc+ Ph. D degree in Molecular and Cellular biology, immunology and genetics research in clinically relevant areas from a
recognized University plus 4 years R &D/teaching experience in the relevant subject after M.Sc +Ph. D.
Desirable Qualification :
(i) Doctorate Degree in the above mentioned areas from a recognized university for candidates with first class relevant degree.
(ii) Additional Post doctoral research/teaching experience in relevant subjects in recognized institutes(s)
(iii) Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools/ Data Management.
Job Requirement :
The incumbent will be required to coordinate the extramural and intramural research activities undertaken by the Division of Non Communicable Diseases. He/She is expected :
- To contribute towards the planning and implementation of research programmes.
- To review merit of research proposals (Centers for Advanced Research, Ad-hoc and fellowships etc.) submitted to Division of Non Communicable Diseases for ICMR funding and monitor as well as evaluate annual and final reports in consultation with experts.
- Engage with other governmental, non-governmental organizations and international agencies for the ongoing collaborative programs.
- Participate in the technical review meetings of national importance of MoHFW as well as other ministries as an ICMR representative and provide technical inputs
- Participating of documents like annual reports of division, parliament questions, reports for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as well as to other ministries.
- Any job assigned by Director General, ICMR.
Note :
- Ph. D in the relevant subject shall be treated equivalent to three years experience.
- Postgraduate Diploma in the above mentioned areas shall be treated equivalent to two years experience.
Post Code: 4(5) – Scientist-C
Essential Qualification & Experience:
(i) MD/DNB in any discipline plus one year R&D/teaching experience
(ii) MBBS degree recognized by MCI OR equivalent degree from recognized university plus 4 years R&D/teaching experience in the required subject after MBBS Degree. OR
(iii) First Class Master’s Degree in the biological / life sciences from a recognized university plus 4 years R&D/teaching experience in the relevant subject after 1 st class Master’s Degree.
(iv) Second Class M.Sc + Ph. D degree in the biological life sciences from a recognized university plus 4 years R&D/teaching experience in the relevant subject after M.Sc + Ph.D
Desirable Qualification:
(i) MD in any discipline/ Doctorate degree in biological / life sciences from recognized university for candidate with first class relevant degree.
(ii) Additional postdoctoral research / teaching experience in biological / lice sciences in recognized institutions.
(iii) Knowledge of computer applications.
(iv) Ability to work independently and as a team member, cope with workload pressure and deadlines, and work in results-based environment
(v) Excellent interpersonal organization and analytical skills.
Note : MD or Ph. D degree in relevant subjects shall be treated equivalent to three years expenence.
Job Requirement :
The incumbent will be required to coordinate the extramural and intramural research activities undertaken by the Division of Basic Medical Sciences. He/She is expected:
• To contribute towards the planning and implementation of research programmes.
• To review merit of research proposals (Centers for Advanced Research, Ad-hoc and fellowships etc.) submitted to Division of Basic Medical Sciences for ICMR funding and monitor as well as evaluate annual and final reports in consultation with experts.
• Engage with other governmental, non-governmental organizations and international agencies for the ongoing collaborative programs.
• Participate in the technical review meetings of national importance of MoHFW as well as other ministries as an ICMR representative and provide technical inputs
• Participating of documents like annual reports of division, parliament questions, reports for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as well as to other ministries.
• Any job assigned by Director General.
Post Code: 4(6) – Scicntist-C
Essential Qualification & Experience:
Postgraduate medical degree (MD/DNB) plus one year R & D experience in health policy and systems research or post graduate medical diploma plus two years R & D experience in health policy and systems research.
MBBS degree recognized by MCI plus four years R & D experience in health policy and systems research after MBBS.
First class master’s degree (MA/MSc/MPH) from a UGC recognized university plus four years R & D experience in health policy and systems research after master’s degree.
Second class master’s degree (MA/MSc/MPH) and PhD from a UGC recognized university plus four years R & D experience in health policy and systems research after PhD degree.
Desirable Qualification :
(i) Post graduate medical degree or Ph.D with experience in health policy and systems research, which is to be evidenced by peer-reviewed publications.
(ii) Additional post-doctoral research/training from recognized university/institute in health policy and systems research, including health economics after MD/DNB/PhD.
(iii) Knowledge of computer applications or business intelligence tools/data Management.
Job Requirement :
The incumbent will be required to coordinate the extramural and intramural research activities undertaken by the Division of Health System Research. He/She is expected:
• To contribute towards the planning and implementation of research programmes.
• To review merit of research proposals (Centers for Advanced Research, Ad-hoc and n fellowships etc.) submitted to Division of Health System Research for ICMR funding and monitor as well as evaluate annual and -final reports in consultation with experts.
• Engage with other governmental, non-governmental organizations and international agencies for the ongoing collaborative programs.
• Participate in the technical review meetings of national importance of MoHFW as well as other ministries as an ICMR representative and provide technical inputs
• Participating of documents like annual reports of division, parliament questions, reports for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as well as to other ministries.
• Any job assigned by Director General
Note :
(i) MD/Ph.D in the relevant subject shall be treated equivalent to three years research expenence
(ii) Postgraduate diploma in medical subjects in the relevant subjects shall be treated equivalent to two years research experience.
Post Code: 4(7) – Scientist-
Essential Qualification & Experience :
1st class masters degree in life science from a recognized university plus 4 years R&D teaching experience in the relevant subject.
2nd class masters degree in life science from a recognized university plus 4 years R&D teaching experience in the relevant subject.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) At least 2 year post Doc experience in biomedical subject particularly in health research related areas. Working experience in the area of policy, planning drafting guidelines, preparation of status report, health data analysis, and preparing policy briefs, etc.
(ii) Additional Post Doc. Research/teaching experience in relevant subject from recognized University.
(iii) Knowledge of computer applications or business intelligence tools/data management/data synthesis/Report writing, data mining, interacting with media/writing popular articles/working on databases.
Job Requirement:
• To engage in work related to preparation of various Policies, vision and strategic plan documents through coordination with various ICMR Institutes and stakeholder consultations as well as provide important inputs to Govt. of India including MoHFW, NITI Ayog for National Health Policy and Vision Document.
• To participate in Research synthesis through Evidence to Policy that ‘helps people make well informed decisions about policies, programs and projects by putting the best available evidence from research at the heart of policy development and implementation’ as well as to prepare Policy briefs on successful interventions, which can be utilized by the Policy makers and media for creating awareness among the masses for better health.
• To carry out Impact Analysis on to evaluate and assess the impact of ICMR intramural and extramural research in terms of publications, patents, and stakeholder’s perspective.
To prepare midterm achievements reports, short reports/briefs/document for dissemination as well as write up on achievements for different Departments/Ministries on various occasions.
• To coordinate and facilitate Communication between different ICMR Institutes and Hqrs. in preparing and assist in finalizing the Outcome Budget I Annual Plan / annual Action Plan, etc.
• Supervise and coordinate PQs / Parliamentary Assurances and other Parliamentary Matters including Parliamentary Standing Committee meetings and action taken reports.
Post Code: 4(8) – Scientist-C
Essential Qualification & Experience :
(i) First Class Master’s degree in Life Sciences/ Zoology/ Genetics/ Biotechnology/Microbiology from a recognized University
2nd Class M.Sc. in above subjects+ Ph. D degree in one of the above subjects from a recognized University.
(ii) Four years R& D experience in relevant areas in recognized institute(s) after obtaining essential qualification.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Ph.D in a related subject from a recognized University for candidates with first class Master’s Degree.
(ii) Additional Post doctoral research experience in relevant subjects in recognized Institute( s).
(iii) Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools/Data Management.
(iv) Experience in handling International Collaboration.
Job Requirement:
The incumbent is expected to assist and coordinate in the following:
• To coordinate the joint activities like joint workshops/exchange visits conceptualized on the topics of mutual interest under various Mo Us/programmes handled by IHD.
• To organize meetings of Joint Steering Committee (JSC)/Joint Working Group (JWG) and oversee the effective execution of work/action plan, projects whenever required.
• To enhance coordination & cooperation between international organizations, other countries in the region and ICMR.
• To coordinate Health Ministry Secretary Committee related work, online submission of projects and develop periodic documents/reports on overview and outcome of international collaborative projects.
• Contribute towards the planning and implementation of various international collaborative research programmes.
• Any job assigned by Director-General, ICMR.
Age Limit : Not exceeding 40 years
Relaxation :
(i) Upper age limit is relaxable to SC/ST/ OBC and Government Servants as per provision made in Health Research Scientist Cadre (HRSC) of ICMR rules 2007 .
(ii) One time age relaxation 1s also allowed to Scientific and Technical staff working/worked 111 long term projects of ICMR Institutes/Centres provided they meet essential qualification and experience for the post with a view to provide them opportunity to compete with other candidates as per provision made under HRSC rule 2007 vide letter No. 6/1/2007-Admn.II dated 28.03.2011
Post Code: 01 – Scientist-G
Essential Qualification & Experience:
1. 1st Class Master’s degree in Life Science from a recognized University plus 12 years R & D experience in the relevant subject, out of which 5 years in a managerial position to handle R&D Projects independently in a team effectively in a directing position.
Working experience in the area of Publication, Planning, Editing, copy editing and policy, planning, drafting guidelines, preparation status report, health data analysis, and database management etc.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Doctorate Degree in related subject from a recognized University. At least 5 years post Doc experience in biomedical subject particularly in health research related areas.
(ii) Experience of supervising and participation in education, extension and outreach activities including involvement in mass media, social and print media as well as other public relation and image building activities.
(iii) Knowledge of computer applications or business intelligence tools./data management/data synthesis
Job requirement
• Supervise the activities of the Division related to timely publication of various documents/journals.
• Provide inputs for policy making & Planning for various research activities
• Interact with Media & provide guidance & directions for enhancing ICMR visibility & out reach.
• Conduct various education & extension activities and strengthen Communication Group Network.
• Develop ICMR Institutional Network in respect to Science Dissemination & Communication for the benefit of the society/Common public.
Age limit as on 25.5.2017 : Not exceeding 52 years
Relaxation : i) Upper age limit is relaxable to SC/ST/ OBC and Government Servants as per provision made in Health Research Scientist Cadre (HRSC) of ICMR rules 2007 .
(ii) Relax able up to 5 years for Government servants and SC/ST/OBC candidates accordance with the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training from time to time in this regard.
Note :
All the posts carry all India transfer liability and are not identified for PWD candidates. Non Practicing allowance ( for medical graduate will be admissible as per Rules. Pay & All wan es: Pay & Allowance shall b fixed as per DoPT guidelines.
Pension will be admissible as per new restructured defined contribution Pension system, contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs ( ECD & PR Division), Notification No. 5/7/2003 & PR dated 22.12.2003 effective from 1.1.2004.
How to apply
(i) Candidates should apply through online Website.( up to 15th May, 2017: 5.30 p.m. and send the printout (i.e Application filled through online) of the application along-with application fee of Rs. 500/- ( SC/ST & women candidates are exempted from payment of application fee) by means of Demand Draft made out in favor of Director General, ICMR, New Delhi and supporting required documents viz date of birth certificate/qualification certificates/caste certificate ( wherever applicable )/experience certificates etc. to the Asst. Director General (A),Administration-1, Indian Council of Medical Research, V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box. No. 4911, New Delhi – 110029, so as to reach on or before 25th May, 2017.
(ii) Application (hard copy of online application) received late or without fee will not be entertained. ICMR will not be responsible for late receipt of application due to postal delay.
(iii) Applications from employees working in Central/State Govt. Departments/Public Sector Undertakings and Govt. funded research agencies must be forwarded through proper channel. Advance copies of application will be considered subject to the conditions that a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer is produced at the time of personal discussion.
View Original Notification Here