The origin of the Public Service Commission in India is found in the First Dispatch of the Government of India on the Indian Constitutional Reforms on the 5th March, 1919 which referred to the need for setting up some permanent office charged with the regulation of service matters. This concept of a body intended to be charged primarily with the regulation of service matters, found a somewhat more practical shape in the Government of India Act, 1919.
Vacancy # : 17030602225
Post : Scientific Officer (Microbiology)
Classification :
- Ministry/Administration : Ministry of Ayush
- Department/Office : Other
- Organisation : Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory Ghaziabad
Pay Scale : Pre-revised Pay Scale- PB-3 Rs. 15600-39,100 Plus Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- Revised Pay Scale as per the 7th CPC Level 10 in the Pay Matrix. (Total emoluments excluding T.A. and H.R.A. at the time of initial appointment will be Rs.56100/- plus D.A. p.m. approximately).
Age : Not exceeding 35 years for as on normal closing date. Relaxable for regularly appointed Central/U.T. Government Servant upto five years as per instructions/orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time. For age concession applicable to some other categories of applicants, please see relevant paras of the ‘Instructions
and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection.’Essential Qualificaiton (s) A. EDUCATIONAL : M.Sc. Degree in Microbiology of a recognized university or institute recognized by the Government.
EXPERIENCE : One year experience in microbiological research or standardization of Microbiological products used clinically.
Note– Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Desirable Qualificaiton (s)
(i) Doctorate degree in the Microbial technology or industrial bio-technology or life science from a recognized university or institute.
(ii) At least three publications in peer reviewed journals.
Duty(ies) : Supervision of Laboratory, Observing Microbiological studies ,Verifying sterility testing, Preparation of monographs, maintaining laboratory as per NABL/ GMP norms, Implementation of Innovative Research Projects, Result oriented research activities, conducting training classes, Demonstration of Scientific material and elaboration of laboratory experiments to trainees.
Probation : One year for direct recruits.
Head Quarter : Head quarter is in New Delhi. However, the posting will be at Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad.
Other Details : General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. The post is permanent.