Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up the post of “Junior Research Fellow” on contract basis for ICMR funded project entitled “ Imaging and Biological correlates in children with Autism spectrum disorder with and without epilepsy” under Dr.K.John Vijay Sagar, Addl. Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Principal Investigator, NIMHANS.
Job Title – Junior Research Fellow
No.of.Post – 1
Project Title – “ Imaging and Biological correlates in children with Autism spectrum disorder with and without epilepsy”
Principal Investigator – Dr.K.John Vijay Sagar
Duration – 9 Months. Initial appointment will be made for a period of six months which will be extendable depending up on the performance of the candidate
Age Limit – 35 Years
Emoluments – Rs.16,000/- + 30% HRA P.M
Qualifications –
Essential – M.Sc in Statistics/Biostatistics
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may apply on plain paper with the resume, age proof and copies of testimonials, either addressed to The Director, NIMHANS, P.B.No.2900, D.R. College Post, Hosur Road, Bengaluru-560029 or by email to [email protected] The candidates who apply should invariably mention the Notification no, Date, Email ID, Contact no and Postal address without fail, otherwise the applications will not be considered
last date for receipt of filled in application together with the relevant documents is Dt. 28/02/2017 up to 4.00 P.M. Applications received later will not be entertained.Application Deadline – 28th February 2017