--Must See--

College of Agriculture, Padannakkad P.O, Kasaragod Dist. Pin: 671314, Kerala, India.

A interview is scheduled on 12th January 2017 at College of Agriculture Padnnakkad to select eligible candidates for engaging as Teaching Assistants in various departments in College of Agriculture Padnnakkad on daily wage/contract basis for 1 year or till the date of regular posting whichever is earlier.

Position 1

Name of the Department : Plant Pathology

Qualification : MSc. (Ag) Plant Pathology

No of Posts : 2

Position 2

Name of the Department : Agronomy

Qualification : MSc.(Ag) Agronomy

No of Posts : 3

Position 3

Name of the Department : Plant Breeding and Genetics

Qualification :  MSc. (Ag.) Plant Breeding and Genetics

No of Posts : 2

Position 4

Name of the Department : Microbiology

Qualification : MSc.(Ag) Agrl. Microbiology/MSc. Microbiology

No of Posts : 1

Position 5

Name of the Department : Biotechnology

Qualification : MSc. Agrl. Biotechnology/plant biotechnology/molecular biology/Genomic Science/equivalent

No of Posts : 1

Ph.D, NET and Teaching experience preferred

Consolidated Remuneration : @ Rs. 1400/day subject to a maximum of Rs. 35000/-per month

How to Apply : 

Download the application form in ‘Microsoft Excel’ format from the website(www.kau.in). Fill all the cells and send the same as email attachment to

E-mail: [email protected] on or before 09.01.2017.
There is no need to send the hard copy of the application or any documents.

Interview :

Interested candidates are requested to appear for a walk in interview with filled in application (in word format attached below), containing self attested copies in proof of age, caste, qualification and experience. Original certificates should be produced for verification. No separate call letter will be sent to the applicants. If there are more number of applicants written test will be conducted and shortlisted.
College of Agriculture Padannakkad is located near the Nileshwaram-Kanhangad National Highway.


1.Application form in the MS word format(attached below), containing self attested copies of certificates & photo affixed
2. Photo ID card of the candidate
3. Originals of all the relevant documents in the list below.
i. Certificate to prove date of birth
ii. SSLC mark list
iii. Higher secondary mark list
iv. B.Sc. degree certificate
v. B.Sc. mark list
vi. Post graduate degree certificate
vii. Post graduate degree mark list
viii. Additional qualifications such as Ph. D, Net, UGC etc if any
ix. Certificate of experience in related jobs, if any
x. Scientific publications, other trainings & certifications in the field, if any.

For further information please contact :

Dr. G.V.Sudarsana Rao, Professor and (Mob: 9446804338

Dr. Bridgit T.K., Professor (Mob: 9447829904}

Important Download Links :

Notification 1.54 MB
Form no 1 10.17 KB
Application Form 42.84 KB
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