Center Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Jamia Millia Islamia, Central University
New Delhi-110025
Applications are invited for filling up the following posts under the project entitled Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) funded by Department of Biotechnology sanction order no. & date of sanctioning the project BT/BI/25/031/2012 (BIF) dated 21/10/2016.
Name of the Project : BIF Center, Jamia Millia Islamia
Position 1 : Research Associate
Eligiblity : Ph.D. Degree in Bioinformatics/Computer Science/ Biotechnology or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after ME/M.Tech in Bioinformatics/Computer Science/ Biotechnology with at least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded journal
Emoluments per Month : Rs. 22,000/- + 30 % HRA
Desirable : Experience/ interest in Bioinformatics as evidenced from Course work, research work or publications Or Hostel Accommodation
Position 2 : Traineeship For 6 months only
Eligiblity : Must have completed Master Degree in Bioinformatics/Computer Science/Computer. Application with keen interest to pursue research in Bioinformatics
Emoluments per Month : Rs. 8,000/-
Position 3 : Studentship For 5 months only
Eligiblity : Student pursuing post-graduate degree in Bioinformatics
Emoluments per Month : Rs. 8,000/-
* Term and conditions will be as per the DBT, Govt. of India guidelines.
How to Apply :
Application on plain paper
stating name, address (e-mail address and mobile no.), date of birth, qualifications, institute along with self attested photocopies of mark-sheets and certificates should be submitted to the Coordinator, BIF Center, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Central University New Delhi-110025 on or before three weeks from the date of publication of this advertisement or display on JMI website.The complete application with all the enclosures (complete CV, publications along with passport size photographs, soft copies of all testim0nials etc) may also be submitted through email [email protected] before due date – 24th Dec 2016.