When a National Disaster strikes, World can have sympathy ! Fellow Indian’s show helplessness and the Indian Government turns to its most trusted Organization Council of Scientific & Industrial Research ( CSIR ). What makes CSIR so special in the heart of every Scientific Disaster? Find it out by yourself.
- CSIR Protected Indian Scientific Heritage:
Popularly known in the scientific history of India as the 2nd battle of Haldighati, CSIR fought the legal battle over turmeric patent granted by US patent office and won it. They just not saved a legacy drug but also showed the world, when it comes to our scientific heritage we take it very seriously. Dare not mess!
2. CSIR Supported us in Tsunami :
When we were badly hit by Tsunami, our people were hit by a series of unsettling disasters eg. Lack of drinkable water, Scarcity of food in Tsunami hit areas and a big outbreak of diseases. Guess who was listening?
CFTRI, Mysore, took upon itself the mission of providing food to the survivors. It undertook the largest production of instant food in its history. More than two tonnes of food was sent daily to the affected areas for about seven days to
cater to about 50,000 to one lakh meals. Food items even took into account culinary preferences of the local people and the special nutritional requirements of children.CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, provided drinking water supply in the affected areas by reverse osmosis process.
CBRI, Roorkee, rushed a team of scientists to the affected areas. It is poised to provide backup support in rehabilitating devastated areas by providing pragmatic solutions to the repair and retrofit of existing infrastructure.
SERC, Chennai, has proposed to help the survivors in structural assessment of damaged buildings and would suggest repairs/remedial measures. NIO scientists are working on a system to detect earthquakes below the ocean floor.
NGRI’s Seismological Observatory recorded the earthquake and its aftershocks. It continues to monitor the area and provides information so that appropriate action may be taken and loss to life and property minimized.
3. CSIR Achievements in Avionics:
Saras is a 14-seater twin-engined turboprop aircraft fully pressurized for passenger comfort. It has a maximum speed of over 600 km/h and a maximum range of 1200 km. Its state-of-the-art avionics, electrical, environmental control and other systems make it a contemporary aircraft of the 21st century
4. CSIR Protects Traditional Knowledge:
The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) is a collaborative project with the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. The main objective of this network project is to prevent misappropriation of India’s rich heritage of traditional knowledge. India has an unsavory experience of noting the grant of wrong patents on turmeric by USPTO and neem by EPO. These patents were successfully challenged by India and revoked in an expensive and time-consuming process.
5. CSIR BioSuite:
Eighteen research institutes and three industries were brought together to develop the comprehensive, portable and versatile software package christened ‘BioSuite’. Led by TCS, the team has developed the software, which will serve as a multipurpose tool for carrying out diverse bioanalyses ranging from gene analysis to comparative genomics, pathway modeling to homology modeling and molecular visualization & manipulation to drug designing. The software has several unique features, which are not present in similar other packages available in the market. BioSuite comprises eight modules involving 114 sub modules and 243 algorithms.
6. CSIR role in alleviating India Specific Common diseases:
Asthama, Diabetes, psoriasis, Dengue & Tuberculosis were identified and scientists have been working day and night to get an Indigenous cure and have succeeded in most of them
7. Marine Research at CSIR:
As a leading S&T organization of a nation rich in marine bounty, CSIR is also investigating our oceans. An all India coordinated project ‘Drugs from the Sea’ funded by Department of Ocean Development, Government of India, and coordinated by the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, is being conducted in collaboration with 10 participating laboratories for exploiting marine flora and fauna for development of drugs as well as herbal remedies. The programme covers all aspects of drug research including isolation of active molecules, their characterization, and development. Several promising samples have been found.
8. BioActives Research at CSIR:
The CSIR Programme on Bioactives is a mammoth network programme being coordinated by the R&D Planning Division (RDPD), CSIR. It engages 20 CSIR laboratories, 13 universities and three well-known organizations in the traditional system of medicine. It involves screening of Ayurvedic formulations, plants, fungi, microbes and insects against 14 disease areas including cancer, tuberculosis, filaria, malaria, ulcer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer diseases, to identify new lead molecules. Work is being pursued in a well-coordinated manner with different dedicated groups carrying out well-defined tasks. For example, The Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (previously known as RRL, Jammu) is the Nodal laboratory for the investigation of all the Unani drugs. Its activities are to participate in and coordinate plant collection, authentication, and fingerprinting. It also participates in and coordinates the biological activities such as profiling of the extract to evaluate anticancer activity (in vitro cytotoxicity) and immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective (both in vivo and in vitro) activities of the samples prepared by the participating institutes.
9. 11 out of 14 Drugs developed in Independent India comes from CSIR:
You would be amazed to know about the many items of daily use that CSIR has helped develop. Its contribution extends to almost all fields of human activity, be it agriculture, health, defense, aero- dynamics, genetic engineering and the development of India’s first supercomputer. Eleven of the 14 new drugs developed in independent India is from CSIR. The entire list would be too long so here is merely a sample. Amul baby food, Nutan stove, Saheli a nonsteroidal once-a-week oral contraceptive pill for women, E-mail for resistant malaria, Asmon, a herbal therapeutic for asthma, SARAS, a multi-role aircraft, Flosolver India’s first parallel computer; Swaraj and Sonalika tractors, and the indelible ink that is the mark of a proud Indian voter, are gifts of CSIR to the nation. No wonder CSIR is recognized as one of the world’s largest knowledge enterprises
10. CSIR needs You:
To make all of the above to happen, CSIR needs a constant flow of Talent and thus it needs researchers like you. Thus it conducts a National Level exam called as CSIR NET to filter our talent which can join its Labs
While the above 10 facts not just make us proud but also signifies how crucial CSIR role is in building Future India. While our honorable PM has taken on a leap of faith in alleviating Black Money, come to take a step of Faith! Join CSIR as a scientist and alleviate the pain of our people.
Your research can have direct impact on the lives of billions of Indians and working at this organization is definitely an act of National Pride & Duty.
Very good information about CSIR