--Must See--
e JNU campus is a microcosm of the Indian nation, drawing students from every nook and corner of the country and from every group and stratum of society. To make sure that this is so, annual admission tests are simultaneously held at 37 centres spread across the length and breadth of the country, and special care is taken to draw students from the underprivileged castes and ethic groups by reserving 22.5 per cent of seats for them. Overseas students form some 10 percent of the annual intake. Students’ hostels and blocks of faculty residences are interspersed with one another, underlining the vision of a large Indian family.Job Title – Junior Research Fellow and Technical Assistant
No.of.Posts – ONE EACH
Project Title – “Structural and functional analysis of M. tuberculosis EccC+CFP10/ESAT6 complex from ESX-1 virulence factor”
Tenure –
- JRF – The position is purely temporary, renewable six months and will continue until October, 2019 (the end of project) based on satisfactory performance.
- TA – The position is purely temporary, renewable six months and will continue until October, 2019 (the end of project) based on satisfactory performance.
Fellowship –
- JRF – Rs. 25,000+30% HRA as per DST rule
- TA – Rs. 10,000/- per month
Qualifications –
- Essential: M.Sc/M.Tech in any branch of biological science with prior experience in structure and functional analysis of proteins.
- Desirable: Proficiency in Gene cloning, Mutagenesis, Protein expression in E. coli & Yeast system, protein refolding & purification, Crystallization & X-ray structure analysis, Modeling & Dynamics simulation work. Candidate with prior strong experience in these techniques will be preferred.
- Essential – Intermediate/B.Sc. in any branch of biological science with prior strong experience in laboratory work and dealing with all paperwork related to the project.
How to Apply:
The hard copy of the applications along with the copy of biodata, prior publication should reach to Prof. Ajay K. Saxena, Rm-403/440, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, INDIA.
Application Deadline – 30th October, 2016.