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Official Notification for Admission to PhD Programme for Academic Session January 2017 @ SCTIMST

Originally established by the Government of Kerala as an advanced centre for medical specialties, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) metamorphosed into an Institute of National Importance with the status of a University in 1980 under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India by an Act of Parliament. The joint culture of medicine and technology that the Institute pioneered more than three decades ago has come of age and gained unprecedented acceptance in India. Imbued with an inclination to venture into less-trodden domains, the Institute focuses on patient care of high quality, technology development of industrial significance and health research studies of social relevance.

Applications are invited for PhD Admission to the following Academic Programmes of the Institute.

Promoting interdisciplinary research, the Institute offers Ph.D. programme in the following major research areas.

  • Chemical Sciences: Polymer synthesis & characterisation, Polymer processing, Smart polymers, Interpenetrating polymer networks, Dental polymers, Surface modification of polymeric devices, Radiopaque polymers.
  • Biological Sciences: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Cellular and Molecular cardiology,Neurobiology, Microbial Technology, Pathology, Physiology, Toxicology, Thrombosis, Implant Biology, Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Technologies, Adult stem cells & Regenerative medicine, 3-D Construction of Tissue substitutes.
  • Bioengineering: Artificial Organs, Biosensors, Bioinstrumentation, Medical Device Technology, Functional neuroimaging, magnetic resonance imaging, Medical image processing
  • Biomaterial Science and Technology: Bioceramics, Dental Materials, Material Tissue Interactions, Drug delivery & sensing Biomedical Polymers, Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering.
  • Health Sciences (Full Time & Part Time): Epidemiology, Gender Issues in Health, Health Policy, Health Systems.

Admission: The selection for Ph.D. will be carried out twice in a calendar year, in July and November.

The availability of research guides will be notified in the Institute website www.sctimst.ac.in. The July selection is restricted to fellowship holders and MPhil (Biomedical Technology-SCTIMST) degree holders only. There is part time registration for the Ph.D programme only in 26 Health Sciences. There is no External or part time Registration for the Ph.D programme in any other area.

Minimum Educational Qualification:

  • Chemical Sciences: MSc Chemistry (All Streams)
  • Biological Sciences: MSc. Life Sciences (excluding Botany and Bioinformatics), MSc. Physiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Zoology or any other branch of life sciences.
  • Bioengineering: MTech. Polymer Engineering Technology, MTech. Material Science/BME/Instrumentation/Biotechnology/ Clinical Engineering M.Tech/ME/M.Sc.(Engg)/ MS in either Biomedical Engineering / Electronics and Communication / Electrical & Electronics / Computer Science / Information Technology with a minimum of 60% (6.5/10 CGPA) in the qualifying examination
  • Biomaterial Science and Technology: M.Phil (BMT), MSc. Physics, Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Science, Material Science, Veterinary Sciences, Biotechnology
  • Health Sciences: Post graduates in Public Health, Modern Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Sciences, Nursing Sciences, Social Sciences, Statistics/Biostatistics, Demography/Population Sciences.
  • Minimum marks required to apply: Consistently good academic record with 60% (GPA 6.5/10) marks in undergraduate and post graduate examinations.

NOTE: There is no age limit for admission to the Ph.D Programme.

Method of selection:

  • The selection of research scholars will be based on the performance in written test and interview.
  • Individual JRF Fellowship holders (UGC, CSIR, ICMR, INSPIRE, DBT) or M.Phil (Biomedical Technology) from SCTIMST are exempted from Written Test, and their selection will be on the basis of Interview only.
  • Individual KSCSTE JRF holders have to qualify in the written test and interview of this Institute.

Note: MPhil Biomedical Technology Degree holders will have to write entrance examination if they want to be considered for Institute Fellowship.

  • Candidates awarded Senior Research Fellowships (SRF) from other sources (KSCSTE, UGC,CSIR, ICMR etc.) have to qualify in the written test and interview conducted by the Institute.
  • Candidates must provide a write-up describing the Research Proposal (300 to 400 words) and a Statement of Purpose for undertaking a research career (100 to 150 words).
  • The Institute reserves its right to short list candidates based on the number of seats available every year, academic merit and scientific records of the applicants, letters of reference and availability of research guides every year etc.

SCTIMST Ph.D. Fellowship: Six Institute Fellowships at the DST approved rates are available each year for a maximum period of five years, of which two fellowship are reserved for Health Science Studies.

Ph.D. Manual: For all details, please refer the Ph.D. manual available in our website http://www.sctimst.ac.in or contact: THE DEPUTY REGISTRAR Division of Academic Affairs SREE CHITRA TIRUNAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Trivandrum – 695011, Kerala, India. Telephone: 91-471- 2524140,2524269 Fax: 91-471-2446433 E-mail: [email protected]

How To Apply:

Application Procedure

Step – I:

  • Application fee payment through SB Collect website of State Bank of India. (Select appropriate course category)Click here for payment.New

Step – II:

For Login – 

Login (To download ‘Application Form/Admit Card’)


  • Fill up the Application Form on-line carefully.
  • If you are an employee of a State or Central Government or Public Sector Undertaking, route your application through your employer. You may, however, send the advance copy of your application. The application through proper channel should reach this office within seven days of the closing date for the receipt of application. The Advance Copy should be complete in all respects and should be accompanied by all the documents mentioned above and must reach this office before the closing date.
  • Send a hard copy of application along with the copies of necessary documents well in time before the closing date.
  • Applications received after the closing date are liable to be rejected
  • Attach all documents to your application form with a strong thread.
  • No intimation will be sent to candidates not called for Entrance Examination or not selected and no correspondence on this subject will be entertained.
  • The rules are subject to change in accordance with decisions of the Institute taken from time to time.


  • Admission Notification: 1st September 2016
  • Availability of on-line Application: 01.09.2016 to 30.09.2016
  • Last date for receipt of completed applications: 7th October 2016
  • Commencement of courses: 2nd January 2017


Admission Notification

Mandakini Kashyap
Mandakini is a bioscience enthusiast and loves to portray a picture of “Science” like never before. Serving as an Editor in Biotecnika she has penned down many interesting news and articles in the past and has also helped in posting just the right job for you. Follow her for more updates in the industry !!