Agri Biotech Foundation Announces Refresher Course For Molecular Tools
Agri Biotech Foundation is an autonomous Institution engaged in research, extension and training. It is located on Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University Campus, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. ABF has been recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), New Delhi.
Name Of Course: Refresher Course on “Molecular tools for gene identification and expression studies in crop plants”
Date of Course: From 19-24 September 2016.
Place: Agri Biotech Foundation (ABF), Hyderabad
Suited For: Lecturers, Researchers and Ph. D scholars in Research Laboratories / Universities / Degree Colleges / private sector
Course Coordinator: Dr. G. Mallikarjuna
E. Mail ID: [email protected] Contact No: 91-8142799656
Course fee: Rs. 6,000 – This covers cost of course material, tea, snacks and working lunch only and not cost of accommodation and boarding.
Objective of the Course:
The course aims to provide hands on training by the experienced faculty members on techniques in advanced molecular biology relating to gene expression including RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, semi quantitative PCR, northern blotting, transgene detection through PCR, immuno-detection assays etc. In addition, writing winnable project proposals also will be covered.
How To Apply:
The candidates who wish
to participate in this refresher course can download the application form from the official website: www.abfindia.orgThe prescribed duly filled in application, CV and DD should reach
The Executive Director, Agri Biotech Foundation (ABF),
PJTSA University Campus, Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad – 500 030,
Tel: 040-29807011, Fax: 040- 29803417.
Deadline: 10 September 2016