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Walk-in for the post of SRF @ ICAR-Central Institute For Research On Cotton Technology

The Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (CIRCOT) is one of the premier constituent institutes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Under ICAR organisational set up, CIRCOT comes under Agricultural Engineering Division of ICAR.

CIRCOT was established in the year 1924 by the then Indian Central Cotton Committee (ICCC) under the name of Technological Laboratory (TL) with the twin objective of assisting cotton breeders in the development of new strains by evaluating various fibre quality parameters and carrying out research on their spinning potential.

A Walk-in Interview for the following contractual position will be held for the following post:

Name of the post: Senior Research Fellow

Name of the project: CRP on natural fibres

Place of Posting: CIRCOT, Mumbai


  • Master’s degree in Textile Technology, Textile Chemistry, Chemical Technology, Polymer Technology, Nano-technology, Biotechnology, Environment Engineering, Fibre or Polymer Technology, Agricultural Engineering with 4 or 5 years of Bachelor’s Degree OR
  • Master’s Degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Environmental Science with NET qualification
  • Candidates with post graduate degree in relevant basic sciences with 3 years’ Bachelor’s Degree and 2 years Master’s Degree should have NET Qualification

Emolument: Rs. 25,000 plus 30% HRA per month

Duration: Up to 31st March, 2017 or till termination or completion of the project whichever is earlier.

Age Limit: Maximum age limit is 35 years for men and 40 years for women (Relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidate)

General Instructions:

  • Candidates who are employed in Government organization should produce “No objection” certificate from the employer.
  • Positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim for regular appointments or absorption either in this Institute or ICAR
  • No TA/DA will be paid for the interview
  • Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
  • The position is temporary and co-terminus with the p
  • Candidates should report for the interview by 10.30 am

How to apply:

Candidates may appear for a walk-in interview with bio-data in the prescribed format, photographs and original testimonials with one set of Xerox copies

Walk-in Details:

Date: 10th August

Time: 11.00 am

Place: Premises of CIRCOT

View the application form

Prapti Shah Gandhi
Peace-lover, creative, smart and intelligent. Prapti is a foodie, music buff and a travelholic. After leaving a top-notch full time corporate job, she now works as an Online Editor for Biotecnika. Keen on making a mark in the scientific publishing industry, she strives to find a work-life balance. Follow her for more updates!