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7 Deadly Mistakes that Students Commit While Preparing For CSIR NET Exam | Must Read

Hey There ,

We are going to share a lot of insider knowledge and best practices with you in the upcoming days. But before we start studying success let’s take a quick look at failure and make sure you avoid the costly Preparation mistakes of others.

Let’s look at the “7 Deadly Exam Preparation Sins” committed by many Aspirants:


1. Not Understanding Concepts completely:

Many Aspirants make generalizations as to what concepts are all about. There may be a 20130417102652009specific misconception which can kill your understanding, but Understanding each Concept’s challenges are going to be different. I’ve seen Aspirants conduct poor research on the right books for the concepts before studying them, and then fail to ask those concept specific questions in regards to their unique needs and pain-points. Instead, they’ll talk on and on about how great their understanding of the topic is and its 100’s questions which they solved. Aspirants need passion for their preparation, but not at the expense of taking the time to understand the concepts and not asking the right questions to the teachers

2. Not Studying:

Most Aspirants explain all the bells and whistles of their preparation strategy, but fail to execute the core plan. To do that, you need to study, study from the right teachers and spend a lot of time on self study. A prospective aspirant needs to be ready on spending hours on the books and the facilities teacher provides to them, rather than the 100 topics you’re planning to study, follow the tips provides in Step 1 and 2. Do not get frustrated if you are not understanding a topic, approach the right teachers as quickly as possible and get it resolved quickly.

Read More in Our Free e-Course


PS : This course is a free gift from Biotecnika’s CEO to all CSIR NET Life Science / Chemical Science Aspirants 


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