“A Diamond is just a piece of Charcoal which handled Stress Exceptionally well”
A transition of charcoal to Diamond can only happen if its given stressful conditions which it handles exceptionally well. Same way your Transition from a Fresher to an Experienced Research Scientist can happen when its exposed to Jobs. But No company wants to rely on a fresher for advanced level research positions. If they hire also, they give a starting salary which way lesser than the money required for survival.
The Starting Mantra: Go for Exams like CSIR NET Exam, GATE, DBT JRF, ICMR JRF, ARS NET and orient your career in the right direction. Get stipend from CSIR NET and Complete your Ph.D and then get into advanced positions.
Most of you complain about not being hired by companies as a Fresher, Many a times, you reach the Final Interview stage and then get rejected due to one or the other reason. As Famously said by Dr Kiran Majumdar Shaw
“Biotech Sector is a Knowledge Driven & Knowledge Intensive sector”
Thus the answer to your Question is Transition – From a Fresher to a Experienced Researcher & that cannot happen without exposing yourself to this EXAM.
Fear of Failure :
Every One fails in Life, Why be scared of Failure. Try it out once with the help of Best Teachers of BioTecNika and who knows you can be the next in our Hall of Fame.
Double Success Guarantee:
BioTecNika gives you a Guarantee that if you miss to Qualify the CSIR NET exam this time, we will give you FREE COACHING FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS.
What you get After this Exam ?
You will get 5 Glorious Years of your Life where you will be working with the Best of the Minds in a CSIR Lab and pursue your Ph.D with a Fellowship Upto Rs 36000 Per Month.
See Also:
- Wake up Call for all Biotech Professionals: If you don’t, Some one else will take your Job
- India will need 20 lakh industry-ready biotech manpower by 2020
- If Biotech has no scope then why Billionaires are investing ?
What are you waiting for ? Enrol Today, Success is Just a Click Away
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