--Must See--

No, This article is not about Dr Kiran Majumdar Shaw . We have read about her numerous times. Who doesn’t know her ? Its about the courage and the Journey some one underwent 37 years ago and is still struggling to make it larger than life.

This story is of a young dreamer who had no business background, who had not undergone professional Biotech course or for that matter had anything closer to Biotech. India’s first women brewer as we all know her had no money then to start a 3500 crore BT conglomerate, All she had in bank was a unending unfathomable courage to make it large.

Chemistry is easy, Starting a Pharma company is easier, all you need is copy some western molecule as a generic and boom you get started. But She initiated something unbelievable. Started with Enzyme business, diversified in to BioPharma, Scaled quicker than thought and today stands taller than any company which started in

the same field 37 years fast forward.

Legends aren’t born, they are built. But this legendary figure built herself from Scratch. That makes her what we call it today: THE KM SHAW

Dedicated to someone who laid the foundations of Biotechnology in India – Dr Kiran Majumdar Shaw

Must Read – Mythbreaker: Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw and the Story of Indian Biotech

41q5eP-NCyL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_A consummate businesswoman who managed risk or a plucky entrepreneur who took chances to try new things? Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is both, by turns. From an industrial enzymes and commodities small molecule company to a research-driven biotech enterprise that aspires to be global, Biocon has been Mazumdar-Shaw’s tinkering ground for over thirty-seven years. Unlike biotech companies of the West which started with science, Biocon started with technology, adding science as a backend which neatly illustrates why it has been tough to build a de novo ecosystem for biotech in India. A fearless business leader who speaks her mind, this evocative biography gives us an in-depth understanding of Kiran’s tech start-up journey, her struggles and her victories.

Buy This Book today on Amazon.in

Shekhar Suman is the Co-founder of BioTecNika Info Labs Pvt. Ltd. He is an Entrepreneur, Writer, Public Speaker, and a Motivational Coach. In his career, he has mentored more than 100,000+ students toward success in the Biopharma Industry. He heads the BioTecNika Group, which comprises BioTecNika.com, BioTecNika.org, and Rasayanika.com. An avid reader and listener who is passionate about BioSciences. Today Biotecnika is India's largest Biotech Career portal, with over 5 Million subscribers from academia & Industry. It's ranked among the top 50 websites worldwide in the Biology category.


  1. Hats off to our inspiring women,Kiran.It is not so easier to get into this place after managing lot of hurdles. For us ,it is easy to read the number of years but experiencing 37 years have been really hard and enjoyable.

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